Anjali Saraogi, Founder, Career Saarthi

I’m Anjali Saraogi, the founder of Career Saarthi, an online artificial intelligence-based platform that helps students discover their true potential and achieve their career goals with world-class career planning and counselling services. Through the use of technology, combined with a deep understanding of the subject matter, Career Saarthi provides world-class and personalised guidance to students and parents right at their doorsteps across the globe.

Career Saarthi 

At Career Saarthi, over the years, we have been the mentor behind many successful careers and have curated comprehensive plans to guide students and professionals across the globe. We have served more than 10,000 students and families and are proud of the fact that more than 95% of our clients have given us 5-star ratings.

We derive our inspiration from our ancient Indian Mythology, where Lord Krishna played the role of a "Saarthi" (Charioteer) - a master strategist, a guide, and a mentor for Arjuna. This led to the eventual epic victory of the Pandavas in the Battle of Mahabharata. A career is like a chariot in a student's life, and we would like to play a similar role to that of a Saarthi in his/her quest for success.

Career Saarthi has been awarded the Shiksha Bharati award by the India Achievers Forum in 2021-22 in recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement & Contribution in Nation Building. It has also been featured in Insights Success magazine among the top 10 educational consultants in India.

Seeking top talents

The mantra is simple, you need to have a passion for students and education. Thereafter, you need integrity. We provide a flexible work environment with remote working conditions, a need for today’s work force.

 Once a talent is identified in Career Saarthi, he/she is given the wings to fly and make a positive difference in the lives of students and parents.

Preserving the treasure

The work is so fulfilling that women who join us rarely leave us. Our mission is to empower parents and help 1 million students discover their true potential and achieve their dream careers.

Escorting Vision

As a CEO, I bring my vision to the organization. I constantly read about the industry and what’s happening around & the best in user experience.

Articulate the impression

The need for career counselling can be best expressed from my own experience. "I was always interested in History and English but coming from a family of Engineers, Science and Medicine were the only rewarding career options on the table. I realised my true calling through trial and error and lost a few valuable years in this process. I would never want any child to go through the same experience ever."

Empower and discover

Our long-term goal is to empower parents and help 1 million students discover their true potential and help them achieve their dream careers so that we can foster a generation of happy professionals who can create a meaningful impact in society.


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