David Einstin, Founder, D2B Cargo
David Einstin has more than 17 years of experience in International Business Development, Business Management, Sales and Marketing Management. He has been associated with a variety of different Organizations and Industries in various capacities, spearheading the Sales & Marketing Division. David is a professional, who believes in making things happen. Sales and Marketing are his core areas of expertise. He believes that continuous improvement to adapt to the ever changing/dynamic environment is the only way forward.

D2B Cargo
D2B Cargo is an online truck booking marketplace connecting customers and transporters without any brokers in between. D2B Cargo is a web and mobile application designed and developed to cater to the logistics vertical, focusing on connecting the transporter and the customer. This platform will help both parties in such a way that they can exclude the current trends in the market on pricing on the load and get offers from multiple transporters, communicate with each other, and finalise the cost of service within themselves.

Assign the best
D2B Cargo is a bootstrapped start-up company with a team of 12 members and is getting an awesome market response from the public. The best tips for hiring and growing a productive team are to follow some of the following: building a positive relationship, understanding the skills and placing them accordingly, keeping the team engaged, distributing the work load, and allowing them to innovate.

What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated?
1.    Define your goals
2.    Make it to short and long term
3.    Place milestones 
4.    Make sure there is no slippage 
These 4 simple steps will make you motivated and give you encouragement to move towards the next level.

The determined diagram
Ups and downs in an ECG graph make sure that the heart is functioning properly. Likewise, the same trend in the business environment confirms that things are progressing. Some say the downward graph is tough times. But it’s a necessary evil to sustain and make things better.

The unclouded market
Just have a look at the demand supply gap and see how you can address it. If you have the solution, then the market is yours, no matter what the market is. The matter is what solution you have to address the gap. If you have the answer, then jump into any market.

Shaping to rise
Not a person, but an infant who was learning to walk, taught me how to stand up after every fall. If that infant think that it can’t get up after a fall, it will be crawling all its lifetime. This influenced me a lot to understand that falling down is the first step to success before running.

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