Sarma BKP, Founder, ACTA

This is Sarma BKP, founder of ACTA. I have 2 decades of experience in information technology and understand the pain points of regular day-in and out of enterprise employees.

By considering the pain areas, we have developed the ACTA, which can help employees to make their jobs much easier and simpler.


ACTA and the services offered by them

ACTA was established in 2017 in Bangalore, India. Initially, we released the 1st version of the product in 2018. We faced technical challenges in terms of accuracy of transcription, summarization of meeting and action points. We have continued to invest in R&D for the next three years in order to bring better accuracy. Today we are in a position to provide automated meeting minutes with the highest accuracy.

ACTA is one of the few companies that can leverage artificial intelligence in meetings and provide automated meeting minutes.

ACTA is compatible with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. The ACTA Virtual Assistant will join the meeting and provide automated meeting minutes. It includes a complete transcription of the meeting, a summary of the meeting, and also provides action points.

We provide on-premises deployment and SaaS-based solutions to our customers.

Many enterprises are interested in on-premises deployment as it allows their conversations to be more secure and confidential.

Small enterprises will prefer a SaaS-based solution with highly secured AWS hosting.


How ACTA works?

It's very simple to use. In ACTA, provide a meeting link (zoom meeting link or team meeting link). That’s all.

The ACTA virtual assistant will join the meeting (as a silent participant) along with other team members.

Once the meeting is over, in the next 15 minutes, ACTA provides you with a complete transcription of your meeting, a summary of the meeting, along with participant names and ACTION POINTs.


Meetings made easier

Meetings are an inevitable part of the enterprise journey. Most of the meeting requires meeting minutes to be captured, action points to be identified and who is the owner of those action points. 

Many enterprises will follow the traditional way of writing meeting minutes manually by hand. It is a very tedious and mundane job to do so.

Therefore, the ACTA virtual assistant will perform the job of writing meeting minutes automatically and provide them back to the meeting organizer.


Who can use ACTA?

Company secretaries are attending the board meetings, and they need to provide a complete summary of the meetings. Board meetings are very long and many directors will participate in meeting conversation. During such meetings, writing meeting minutes is very difficult. Company secretaries are using ACTA to get their job done easily and simply.

The meeting required the delivery of the meeting minutes, action point owners, and outcome of the meeting to stakeholders. For this scenario, ACTA is the best fit to get the job done quickly and accurately.

Sales consultants who use ACTA for sales strategy, sales meetings with customers, their action plans, and regular follow-ups will be in due time.

HR is using ACTA for their interviews, ensure candidate interviews are fully transparent and provide the required artefacts for job selection.

Leading industries who use ACTA for legal transcription services are law firms, court reporters, attorneys, and other legal professionals.


Mission & Vision of ACTA

VISION: Enabling ACTA in every meeting conference.

MISSION: Convert your meetings into work-flow management by providing Minutes-as-a-Service (MaaS) from ACTA.


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