Sensoriom is a healthcare predictive analytics startup that predicts the futuristic health issues in any individual by focusing on their metabolic health. These analytical frameworks are internationally approved and has been designed by various research bodies.

Personalized suitable recommendations are suggested to these patients on improving their lifestyle on their that can help them to stay away from the upcoming futuristic health issues. For extremely high risk individuals, Sensoriom connects them to suitable specialist doctors and other allied paramedics for the help.

Soon Sensoriom’s metabolism enhancing supplements would be out in the market. These specialized supplements are mainly herbal combinations that would lessen the chances of developing chronic diseases in life like diabetes, heart problems, allergies and high BP.

Currently Sensoriom is an online portal. They have plans to go onsite to gather more data on fitness. This will add more accuracy and better prediction on the metabolic analysis. Through this we can better cater to the human needs.

By offering the best medical support, Sensoriom seeks to provide a practical approach to healthcare. They are a company that offers metabolic healthcare and maintains a normal rate of metabolism. With a focus on metabolic health plans, Sensoriom's practical approach to healthcare aims to comprehend body dynamics and foresee potential medical issues in the future. In addition to assisting, you in maintaining an exact level of metabolism, Sensoriom strives to make your body as healthy and safe as possible by providing a perfect metabolism level for it. This aids in providing you with a perfect body so that you can lead a perfect lifestyle.


As a healthcare technology and local healthcare delivery company, Sensoriom is developing cutting-edge technology to deliver healthcare to all, which is ever-evolving and fast-changing.


Sensoriom first started as Vital X Health in 2018. It’s one great vision that shows integrity is in the culture of an organization. They strive to move quickly ahead by narrowing down the points that their customers really want in the healthcare ecosystem. They are curious learners, passionate workers, and happy servers, who are very dedicated to serving their customers.


  • Metabolic Screener- Get screened to know how your body reacts differently to various foods, stress, and exercises. Predict your future health issues and get expert help in focusing on the concerning areas. Sensoriom is only interested in helping you stay healthy and live longer.
  • Preventive health- To help you live a balanced life, Sensoriom offers a variety of preventive health packages, such as PCOS treatment plans, food allergy profiles, and heart checks. The most economical and thorough standardized body checkup tests are available for senior citizens in order to identify any abnormal chemistry and take prompt corrective action.
  • Home healthcare - Heart Risk Screening (Thyrocare Lab Test), is available for you at discounted prices, Discounts on Partnered Labs, Diagnostics & Pharmacies, Quick Home Health Checkup, and Home ECG are all available for you with a physician verified report. A free doctor's consultation is included with each of your home health checkup plans.
  • Second opinion- You can obtain a second opinion from a medical professional. In the sensoriom app, you can choose to get a second medical opinion. As soon as they have reviewed your information, the intelligent and skilled doctors at Sensoriom will give you a call for a feedback.

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