Amandeep Kaur

Amandeep Kaur - Assistant Professor in History - GGDSD College, Chandigarh

Hello, dear readers of this esteemed magazine! I am Dr. Amandeep Kaur, an explorer of the realms of the past. My journey in history has been an exciting, challenging, and enlightening one, and I am delighted to share my experiences with you.

Career achievements


Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to achieve significant milestones that have shaped my passion for history. I hold a Master's degree in History, which provided the foundation for my academic pursuits. A crowning achievement was earning the prestigious title of M. Phil. (Gold Medalist) in Medieval Indian History from the esteemed Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.


I started a Ph.D. journey because of my unquenchable curiosity, focused on the fascinating subject of "Artisans in Northern India: Continuity and Change (c. 1605-1757)." It was a voyage to uncover the forgotten tales of those who shaped history with their skilled hands.



Career aspirations


My aspiration was driven by a desire to continuously contribute to the field of history. I wish to continue my academic journey by conducting in-depth research and publishing works that shed light on unexplored aspects of history. Moreover, I strive to inspire and cultivate a passion for history among my students, encouraging them to become critical thinkers and enthusiastic learners.



Importance of learning history


The importance of learning history cannot be overstated. History serves as a timeless teacher, offering invaluable insights into the triumphs and failures of human civilization. By understanding our past, we gain a profound appreciation for our present and shape a better future. History imparts critical thinking skills, empathy, and a broader perspective, fostering well-informed and responsible global citizens.



Favourite historian


While it is challenging to pick one from the galaxy of brilliant historians who have greatly influenced my approach to studying this discipline. However, if I am pressed to name one historian, I will opt for E.H. Carr, whose book "What is History" deeply influenced my approach to studying this discipline. His view of history as an unending dialogue between past and present resonates with me, and his emphasis on understanding historical narratives through the perspectives and biases of historians and society has taught me to critically analyse the complexities of the past. Carr's work has shaped my appreciation for history as a dynamic and evolving discipline beyond a mere collection of facts.



Advice for students interested in history


To all the budding history enthusiasts out there, my advice is to embrace your passion wholeheartedly. Read voraciously—not only the established historical narratives but also diverse perspectives and lesser-known accounts. Develop a comparative and analytical approach to history, as it enables you to understand the complexities of the past and its relevance to the present. Engage with history beyond textbooks; visit museums and historical sites; and participate in seminars or discussions to broaden your horizons.



Current position


At the moment, I am serving as an Assistant Professor in History at the esteemed GGDSD College, Chandigarh. Over the past decade, I have been passionately sharing my knowledge with students, fostering a love for history among them, and encouraging critical thinking through a comparative and analytical approach.


Furthermore, I'm actively engaged in academic and extracurricular activities as the co-convener of the History Club at my college. Recently, in May 2023, we organised a national seminar sponsored by ICSSR. Besides this, I'm an active member of the Readers Club of my institute, and from June 19th to July 18th, I was enthusiastically involved in the celebration of PN Panicker National Reading Month, which was highly recognised by the directorate, Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner, who sent me a letter of appreciation for conducting such a month-long celebration to spread passion for reading among the younger generation!

I'm also an organising member of the Military Literature Festival in Chandigarh and a member of a few NGOs working for community development and cultural harmony.


Dear readers! As I continue to share my story, I must emphasise that my path in history has not been without its share of challenges. I stand here today as Dr. Amandeep Kaur, a historian and educator, but the road to success was not paved with ease.



Struggles and triumphs


Coming from a humble rural background, my journey began with financial constraints that loomed like mountains before me. Being a female in a society that often underestimates the capabilities of women only added to the obstacles I faced. However, I was fortunate to have the unwavering support and faith of my parents, who raised three daughters, of which I am the eldest, alongside one younger brother. Their belief in my potential gave me the strength to rise above societal norms and expectations.


From my early days of humble schooling, I vowed to break through barriers and carve a path of success in the world of academia. Armed with determination and resilience, I worked tirelessly to educate and groom myself, reaching for the stars even when the nights seemed darkest.



Fostering education and empowerment


Throughout my struggles, I developed an unshakable belief in the power of education, particularly for girls. Having experienced firsthand the challenges faced by young girls in pursuit of knowledge, I resolved to be a champion for their cause. I ardently support and advocate for the education of girls, knowing that it is the key to unlocking their potential and empowering them to shape their destinies.


As an educator, I have made it my mission to instill a zeal for learning and community development among my students. I understand the transformative power of education in nurturing well-informed and compassionate individuals who can drive positive change in society.


I stand proud as a female historian, dedicated to fostering a love for learning and community development among my students. As I continue to inspire and support the education of girls, I remain committed to breaking barriers, empowering others, and leaving a lasting impact on the world through the pursuit of knowledge. Together, let us continue to strive for a brighter future where education knows no boundaries and every individual can flourish, regardless of gender or background.



In conclusion


My journey in history has been one of resilience, determination, and an unyielding spirit to overcome challenges. From a modest beginning, I have risen to the highest academic pinnacle, obtaining a Ph.D. degree through sheer perseverance and unwavering support. History remains my constant source of fascination and motivation, and I am committed to imparting its wisdom to my students and contributing to the ever-evolving narrative of our shared past.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to share my journey with your esteemed readers.


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