Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav, Clinical Research Scientist
Inventor of The Ultrasonographic & Imaging Classification of an Intra-Vascular Tumour Thrombo-Embolic Disease, Academic Patents, Worldwide Copyrights, granted on Date 14/11/2022 by the Copyright Office of the Government of India & is valid in 161 Countries across the Globe that are Signatories of the Berne Convention.
(The Pioneer of Large Bore TruCut Core Biopsy of Vascular Tumour Thrombus)
Specialist Non-Vascular, Diagnostic as well Therapeutic, Whole-Body Interventional Radiologist
Residence Mobile: +91-9422-606-799
E-mail: drvikasjadhav@gmail.com
Alternet E-mail: drvikasjadhav@aol.com
Website (under construction): www.drvikasjadhav.us
DocPlexus, An Official Knowledge partner for World Cancer Conference - 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQfWGIbh-rE
My Speech in the World Cancer Conference 2022 has been published at the Indian Economic Hub: https://youtu.be/UFOxn7WgH20
Endoscopy Guided Removal of Roundworm Impacted in the Non-Dilated Main Pancreatic Duct which was diagnosed by me on only UltraSonography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGpU1PPquDk&list=UU3QYLsWrKk9gaL5YVqB2v
ORCID ID: Vikas L.B. Jadhav: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6399-2145
Google Scholar ID: Vikas L.B. Jadhav: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=38g511MAAAAJ
ResearchGate ID: Vikas L.B. Jadhav:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vikas-Jadhav-8/research
Educational & professional journey
PhD in Diagnostic Radiology (The World's First PhD holder on UltraSonography of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Ulcer Diseases)
Clinical Fellowship in Diagnostic Ultrasound at JUREI-TJUH: Jefferson Ultrasound Research & Education Institute of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital & Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia PA USA
Two Years Fellowship in Interventional Radiology at DPU, Pune
Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Actorius Innovations & Research, AIR, Pune
PhD Scholar (Interventional Radiology) at DPU, Pune
Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav- World's First PhD holder in the Ultra Sonography of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract diseases
Since this case, I tried to locate & evaluate Stomach & Duodenum in every patient & especially in patients having gastro-intestinal tract symptoms. With consistent feedback by Upper G.I. Endoscopies & surgery I was able to update & upgrade myself & demonstrate a lot varieties of gastric & duodenal diseases. Now, just name the disease process & I will demonstrate it on sonography & be able to construct the protocol for future diagnosis of any disease process in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract.
I have proved that rather than just a good screening test, it could be an
established good diagnostic test.
Few times I have even changed the diagnosis which was made on the basis of CE-CT; even though it was twice performed & twice reported in the United Kingdom as an inoperable retroperitoneal Cancer, & seen extending from Right Renal Hilum up to the Left Renal Hilum, encasing all great abdominal vessels like Aorta, IVC, SMA, SMV & Bilateral Renal Vessels. Being reported as an inoperable cancer, this Patient came back to India. He was referred to me for an Ultrasound guided core biopsy of this large retroperitoneal mass lesion, which is a routine procedure for me. After all routine investigations, I took this patient for Sonography before Biopsy, but I found it as a huge Mesenteric Haematoma with Duodenal Intramural extension, instead of any mass or tumour or cancer. So, I reported this as a huge Haematoma & informed the Consultant well. This patient again underwent CE-CT Scan in India & again reported as an inoperable retroperitoneal Cancer. Later Endoscopic Ultrasound was also performed & again it was reported as an inoperable retroperitoneal Cancer, encasing all great abdominal vessels. But I was firmly consistent with my sonographic diagnosis as just a huge Mesenteric Haematoma with Duodenal Intramural extension, even though all doctors from UK & India were in favour of Cancer. My diagnosis was proved later to be just a huge Haematoma & conserved well. This case was in 2009 & that 71 years old patient is doing well till now & that large & huge of size around 25 cm huge Mesenteric Haematoma with Duodenal Intramural extension was completely regressed & vanished within 6 months of time, just with minor medication & he never need any surgery &/or any kind of intervention. I just perform Follow-up Sonography every month. On 11th April 2015, 5.10 pm, all-time Great & Favourite, Bharat Ratna, Lata DiDi Mangeshkar has called me up & spoke with me for duration of 5.33 min. During this conversation, she personally congratulated me for this rare & outstanding case; I’ve recorded an Audio Call by Lata DiDi. I have preserved all details of his investigations with me. In fact, I have details of investigations & follow-up of nearly each & every case I studied.
Most of the time, I have picked up Gastro-Intestinal Tract Lesions, which are yet to cause any symptoms or trouble to patients.
I had picked up impending perforation of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Ulcerative lesion, in Stomach, Duodenum, Small & Large Intestines etc., which could lead to perforation & its complications; but these were well avoided due to a strict conservative treatment suggested according to my sonography report.
My senior as well as junior colleagues & friends mention that the way I perform the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Sonography is nothing but a God gifted art; but I feel it is a method & a protocol I developed, which I have been teaching worldwide since March 2000. Till date some have met with my expectation. I know it is a time consuming method due to bowel peristalsis & gases in the bowels, but the most important advantage of my method is, it is a real time method of diagnosis, so more reliable. Due to the time consuming method, some feel it is financially not viable, so nearly many are not taking interest in learning & developing my method of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Mucosal Sonography. But many times it gives tremendous job satisfaction as this method is able to explain the pain of the patient, so I’ll try to fit my method & protocol in an Artificial Intelligence, so it can be utilized worldwide & finally benefitted to all patients, as more than 70% of Abdominal complaints are related to the Gastro-Intestinal Tract & its Sonographic Diagnosis was based on Odd-Man out, that means, if no other solid organs has problems, then it could be Gastro-Intestinal Tract issues, was & is the strategy to diagnose Gastro-Intestinal Tract Diseases. Many more times my method being a real-time study has scored more than CE-CT or CE-MRI in imaging of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract.
Diagnose gastro-intestinal tract diseases
This study has potential & scope to change the line of management from Medical to Surgical and Surgical to Medical.
In the long term it will definitely change the protocol of the Imaging of
Gastro-Intestinal Tract.
Most Important is that, My Method & My Protocol of the
Gastro-Intestinal Tract & Mucosal Sonography is the only method in the
world for Prediction of Impending Perforation of an Ulcer Disease in the
Gastro-Intestinal Tract, especially in the patients with varied grades of
Fever, like Enteric Fever, in which chances to lead to Gastro-Duodenal Ulcer
& Small & Large Bowel Ulcer Perforation are pretty high.
My Method & My Protocol of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract & Mucosal
Sonography has got a pretty high accuracy rate.
It has proved the better results in positively diagnosing the naturally
sealed-off Perforated Ulcer in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Diseases. Thus, an
emergency Surgery can be avoided by strict conservative treatment even though
the patient is having every parameter to go for emergency surgery, Laparotomy
like pain, guarding, rigidity, pneumoperitoneum, ascites, hypotension, shock,
Usually Gastro-Intestinal Ulcer Perforation is inside-out, means from
Mucosa to Serosa, but here in my Classification Type 8, Ulcer Formation is
Reverse, outside-in, means Perforation is from Serosa to Mucosa & it has
got three subtypes, Reverse Ulceration, Concealed Reverse Ulcer Perforation
without Peritonitis & Reverse Ulcer Perforation with Peritonitis due to spillage.
It has proved better results in diagnosing & predicting prognosis
& complications of Tubercular & Enteric / Typhoid Entero-Colitis,
Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease & also Infective Viral &
Bacterial & Fungal Entero-Colitis.
It is better proved Sessile & Pedunculated Polyps & Diverticular
It has got better results in diagnosing & predicting prognosis &
complications of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Diseases which are involving deeper
than the mucosal layer.
It has proved better results in diagnosing & predicting prognosis
& complications of Gastro-Intestinal Tract Benign & Malignant
Neoplastic Disease & Cancers, involving deeper than the mucosal layer &
even before it has caused symptoms, troubles & complications to the patient.
Over years time patients referred for interventional ultrasonography,
underwent various core biopsies like mass lesions of thyroid, mediastinum,
lung, pleural, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach, duodenum,
esophagus, small & large intestines, Genito-Urinary mass lesion, lymph nodes,
soft-tissue mass lesions, bony mass lesions & drainage procedures like PCN
/ PCD Pigtail Catheter placements, drainage & irrigation of abscess cavity or
cyst, thoracocentesis, paracentesis, localized abscess collections from chest,
mediastinum, abdomen, pelvis & perineum. BARD MAGNUM GUN, with Needle of
16G & 18G used under US guidance & in free hand technique for core
biopsy & specifically no Biopsy Guide was used & 18 G Lumbar Puncture Needle
or more long needles used for drainage procedures in the deep seated abscesses.
Sonographic guidance offers many advantages such as real time imaging with excellent
cross sectional anatomic orientation to guide the needle in proper direction &
depth and also speed, portability & cost & most importantly to a void injury
to the adjacent vital structures & major vessels around. Optimization of
sonographic imaging parameters, use of appropriate transducers in required direction,
technique & maneuvers help to successful performance of these
interventional procedures.
Basic US guided various Core Biopsy &
Interventional drainage procedures are very well possible after localization of
collections to more complex aspirations or drainage procedures or Core Biopsy
of even deep seated mass lesions.
My Another Intellectual
Property Certificate, Worldwide Copyrights (C) Certificate
(Academic patents), on which I have been working since July 2019 in DPU Pune,
for more than three years & the Subject is Ultrasonographic &
Imaging Classification of an Intra-Vascular Tumour Thrombo-Embolic
Disease, granted on Date 14/11/2022, by the Copyrights
Office of the Government of India.
Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav achievements
I have more than 29
years of work experience.
Association of clinical oncology
JCO – Journal of
Clinical Oncology (Year 2022-3 Publications, Year 2023-4 Publications),
AACR American
Association of Cancer Research (Year 2022-1 Publication, Year 2023-1
evaluation of duodenal diseases, as Current Contents, in the Institute of
Scientific Information, Philadelphia, USA
"Outstanding Scientist
Award" in a National Conference Ceremony at Puducherry, on, 15th &
16th April 2023
"Incredible Scientist of World" in a National Conference Ceremony on,
10th July 2023
Invited Guest
Speaker Faculty in 27 Countries of the World since March 2000 to speak on
following Research Papers:
1. Transabdominal
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Oesophageal Diseases.
2. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Stomach Diseases.
3. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Duodenal Diseases.
4. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Small Bowel Diseases.
5. Basic US guided core biopsy and interventional drainage procedures.
2. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Stomach Diseases.
3. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Duodenal Diseases.
4. Transabdominal Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Small Bowel Diseases.
5. Basic US guided core biopsy and interventional drainage procedures.
Successively for the last Six years, I've been invited as the Radiology
Guest Faculty in the Egyptian Laparoscopic Surgery's Annual Conference,
usually held in the month of February every year since 2017 till this year at
Cairo, Egypt.
Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav research works
1. Dr VikasJadhav's Ultrasonographic & Imaging Classification of an Ulcer in the
Gastro-Intestinal Tract, granted on Date 14/11/2022 by the Copyrights
Office of Government of India, which is valid in 161 Countries across the Globe
that are signatories of the Berne Convention. This work was done for a long
period of 27 year since 18th January 1996 (27 years), for nearly
Three decades.
Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav research works
2. PPT Presentation
(80 slides) Dr Vikas Jadhav's Ultrasonographic & Imaging Classification of
an Ulcer in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract, granted on Date 29/08/2022 by the
Copyrights Office of Government of India, which is valid in 161 Countries
across the Globe that are signatories of the Berne Convention.
3. Dr Vikas Jadhav's
Ultrasonographic & Imaging Classification of an Intra-Vascular Tumour
Thrombo-Embolic Disease, granted on Date 14/11/2022 by the Copyrights Office of
Government of India, which is valid in 161 Countries across the Globe that are
signatories of the Berne Convention, on which I have been working since July
2019 in DPU Pune, for more than three years.
Non-invasive technique by Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav
It’s a unique Non-invasive technique as compared to Endoscopy or
Endoscopic Ultrasound.
Non-invasive technique by Dr. Vikas Leelavati BalaSahebJadhav
It can be a bedside test & can be repeated multiple times if needed.
It can be a Routine or an emergency procedure, as usually No much
preparation needed.
No harm as No ionizing radiation involved as in CT.
No harm to Kidneys as No Contrast involved as in CE-CT or CE-MRI.
No claustrophobia as you get while CT or MRI scanning.
Excellent patient tolerance, as I made my method as an easy part of
routine or emergency abdominal & pelvic sonography.
& Development in Gastro-Intestinal Sonography & Radiology
1) My
dream is to build a dedicated, devoted, sincere, committed & hard-working
Team to raise a Department / an Institute for Research & Development in
Gastro-Intestinal Sonography & Radiology.
2) We
will compile a Text Book dedicated to UltraSonography of the Gastro-Intestinal
3) To
pursue Research & Development in Ultrasound Machine & Probes for
optimal imaging of Gastro-Intestinal Tract with the use of Four-Dimensional
4) I
have plans to raise a Society of Trans-Abdominal Gastro-Intestinal Tract
5) I
have plans to start a One Year Fellowship program in the Trans-Abdominal
Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology & Mucosal Sonography under my expertise
& Experts in the Diagnostic as well Therapeutic Gastro-Intestinal Tract
This kind of Fellowship in Gastro-Intestinal Tract & Mucosal Radiology will
be First time in India.
6) I
have plans start a Two/Three Years Super-specialist Education Program in the
form of D.M. in Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology & Mucosal Sonography
under my expertise & Experts in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology which
will include everything in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology, ranging from
conventional X-Rays, Contrast Studies, Abdominal Ultrasound, Endoluminal
Ultrasound & Endoscopic Ultrasound, Laparoscopic Ultrasound,
Intra-operative Ultrasound, Contrast enhanced CT & MRI Studies, Vascular
& Non-vascular Diagnostic as well Therapeutic Interventional Radiology
& PET Scan, everything in Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology.
This Super Speciality Program, DM in Gastro-Intestinal Tract & Mucosal
Radiology will be the First time in the World.
7) I
have plans to fit my research work on Gastro-Intestinal Tract Ulcer Disease in
Artificial Intelligence, to be used worldwide hassle free in lesser time.
8) I
have plans to develop an accreditation system for Radiology & Imaging,
using Gastro-Intestinal Tract Radiology & Mucosal Sonography.
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