Prof. Dr. Koteswara Rao

Prof.Dr.Koteswara Rao – A torchbearer of Higher Education Institutions ( HEIs )in India

Dear Audience,


Allow me to introduce myself -this is Prof.Dr. Koteswara Rao, Kolli - Director (Admin)& Advisor (Quality and Hyderabad Operations), K L University- Veddaswaram -Guntur(Dt)


Let me convey my best regards to the Editorial Board of Business Talkz Magazine for listing me as one of the reputed Professors of Pan India for the Year, 2023.


The opportunity to start from a blank page and create an institution from concept to reality is a rare precious gift. It enables many possibilities that would be unthinkable at established Universities - which require vision, passion and courage to attempt to innovate and deliberately create a new improved learning culture.

My passion, vision and innovative thinking helped me in building and leading more than 10 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) directly and more than 50 HEIs indirectly. Also made the HEIs to achieve sustainable results with quality academic, research and return on investment– in all these 52 + years.


  • Masters in commerce at Dr. HariSinghGaur Central University, Saugar, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Masters of philosophy in Finance (RRBs)at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Finance (Commercial Banks) from Osmania University, Hyderabad - Telangana.
  • Post Doctoral from University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, USA, as a Fulbright. Fellow.

Professional Journey

First Journey

  • My Professional Journey started in 1971, as aGraduate Lecturer in KVR Degree College, Nandigama, Krishna (Dt.),Andhra Pradesh.
  • Completed 26 years of First Journey Successfully
  • Dr. B R Ambedkar Open University - The First Open University in India, leading to the establishment  of National Open University - IGNOU.
  • Joined as Coordinator in a key department brought in many innovations in line with -The Open University, MiltonKeynes, U K -which is the basis for all Open Universities across the Globe.
  • Occupied many key positions - Coordinator, HOD, Dean, Director, Director Academic and Chairman Purchase Committee and Pro V C for a short period..

The First Journey completed...

Second Journey


  • The Second Journey after my retirement, Started on 1stJuly 2007 as Director and Professor (On Invitation)P R R Group Of Colleges without any break. I brought them to the level of other reputed colleges in their respective disciplines.
  • On Invitation, I joined as Founder Director for GITAM Deemed to be University, Hyderabad in 2009. Contributed to the development of this Campus academically andInfrastructure Wise- kept it in the forefront of the reputed Universities of Telangana State.
  • Later, I Joined K L University- as Senior Professor and Director, Hyderabad in 2011 and Continuing my journey . I occupied many positions like - Dean, Director, Member, Board of Management, Academic Council, Planning & Monitoring Board, and Finance Committee in many other boards and committees including Crucial Committee for NAAC as Chairman.

Completed 52 + Years of without any break –Continuing my professional Journey with dedication – Serving the Great Universities / Colleges– like .Dr.BR Ambedkar University - The First Open University in India, GITAM Deemed to be University, Hyderabad, K L University- Vaddeswarametc. 

Core Values adopted as Quality Advisor:

Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and Social Responsibility with the outcomes of Academic Flexibility, More Holistic  Multidisciplinary Academic and Research Programs, Multiple Entry and Exits, ABC System, Adult Education &Lifelong Learning through Flexible ODL & OL Programs.


Most of the above are envisaged and implemented in K L University- well before the NEP - 2020 announced by the Government Of India.

My Assessment about the Future of the KL University

It will be emerged as a Great University and will be Role Model for Others by occupying a Pivotal Role in Indian Higher Education…By emerging as one of the Universities of Global Eminence. It can be witnessed through its Galloping Progress in All Facets With In a Short Period Which can be Evidenced through its Physical Expansion and Quality Progression.


  • The K L University has got its Deemed to be University Status in 2009 and continuing like a University-
  • of Eminence.
  • Joined as Senior Professor and Director in 2011.Developed Vision, Mission, Objectives, Goals, Policy Formulation and Perspective Cum Strategic Plan along with my team.
  • Initially focused on  Strengthening its Roots with a Focus on Quality. 
    The Quality Progression can be observed through the Progression in NAAC score (CGPA)
                  - Grade - A, CGPA:3.16 - 1st Cycle.
                  - Grade - A++, CGPA:3.57
                  - Grade - A++, CGPA: 3.80+

*Under Process - Forecasted

  • Galloping for 7 years Cycle period because of achieving A Grade consistently for all the three Cycles.
  • The quality progression helped The University to Expand its Horrizon:

- Starting its first Off Campus in Hyderabad in 2017.

- Establishing Global School of Business in Hyderabad in 2021.

- Another Off Campus in Bowram Pet in Hyderabad.

- Another Off Campus in Bengaluru is in the Pipeline.

- Many more in due course… 

Subject Area of Research

Macro level of research was in FINANCE with different micro level areas at different levels.


The particulars are as stated below -







Regional Rural Banks (RRBs )

Ph. D


Commercial Banks

Post Doctoral


Country Risk Management

  •  As the trends in Higher Education are fast changing, My Research Interests are Tuned in line with Changing trends in Higher Education and its Related Aspects.
  • As part of it, I developed interest in - Higher Education: Global /National /Management Education, Assessments, Accreditations and Rankings - National / Global and Academic Research can align with National Interests.
  • As part of Research on Management Education, I developed an Unique Area of Competence…Developing a New Business School Model : 5 in 5 Business School Model – Changing the Game Of Management Education – Which  is Ready for Submission as a Patent.

Areas of Competence

  • Possessing a rare combination of - Thought, Academic Administrative, Quality and  Transformational Leadership
  • Preparing HEIs - Universities / Colleges of all types in tune with the requirements of NEP. with latest amendments.
  • Perfect resource in establishing & developing new Deemed to be Universities/Private Universities / Colleges and starting Off Campuses.
  • Strategist in preparing all types of HEIs for Assessments, Accreditations and Rankings with the Best Outcomes.
  • Good at Planning and Developing ODL & OL Programs.

Academic& Research Contributions


  • Designed and Developed Innovative Regular, O D L, & O L Programs related to Commerce and Management Disciplines.

                - Translated, Revised, and Edited the subjects of Commerce of U G& PG Programs.

                - Developed the script and participated as resource person in as many as in 35                     Interactive Live Teleconferencing and 25 Radio Phone in Programs.
                - Coordinated, Participated and Monitored the Revision Process of B.Com,                             M.Com, MBA, M.Com, B.Sc. and Other Programs.
                - Designed and Organized Training Programs, Workshops and Subject related                     Conferences, Seminars and Webinars.

  • Organized 06 Evaluation Studies on Subsystems of Dr BRAOU.

                - Edited/Published Books – 18

  • Fulbright visiting professor to global universities. Universities visited 31..

Research Contributions

Academic Research

  • Reforms in RRBs
  • Does the Nationalization of Commercial Banks helped the Banks in improving their Efficiency?.
  • Do the Political, Cultural & Social Factors Contributeto The Country Risk?.
  • What type of Economic Development Model Suits the Newly Formed State of Andhra Pradesh?
  • Contributed  to Research Reforms at All Levels of Academic Research as Member of Research Development Committee & RPAC.
  • Guided The Research Students as a Supervisor. Also Delivered Lectures & Interacted with Research Students of All Research Programs - M. Phil, Ph. D. & Post Doctoral.

Social Cum Project Based Research

  • A Project Based Research Conducted On the Feasibility Of Starting Vocational, Innovative & Professional Programs at GITAM…

Positions, Awards and Recognitions:

         Positions Held in the Institutions Served


K V R  Degree College

Graduate Lecturer


Dr Br. Ambedkar Open University - The First Open University in India.

- Coordinator, Head & Chairman, Dept. Of Commerce.

- Dean, Faculty of Commerce

- Director, C S T& D

- Director, Evaluation

- Director, Academic, Chairman– Purchase  Committee &Vice Chancellor ( Short Duration )

- Member, Academic Council


PRR PG Group Of Colleges

- Professor & Director


GITAM University, Hyderabad

- Founder Director  & Professor

- Member, Academic Council -Hyderabad Business School.


KL University- Veddaswaram

- Senior Professor & Director, Hyderabad

- Dean, Planning & Development

- Chairman, NAAC Core Committee

- Dean, Administration & Director - Distance Education

- Member, Board of Management

- Member, Academic Council

- Member, Planning &Monitoring Board.

- Member, Research Development Board.

- Member, Board of Studies, Commerce

- Member, Board of Studies, Management

- Member, R  PAC, Management - Hyderabad

- Director, Hyderabad Campus

- Director, Admin(Hyderabad)

- Member, Quality Advisory Committee

- Member, -CIQA

- Advisor, Quality

- Advisor,  K L University- Hyderabad Operations


Awards & Recognitions


- Fulbright Fellow (1994-95), USEIF, New Delhi, (India) & Washington DC,(USA), 1990 L Street, N W, Suite302, Washington D.C, 20036, USA.

- Best Post-Doctoral Research Award (1995), University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, USA.

- Best University Teacher Award (1998), Government of A.P, INDIA. ▪ Mahatma Gandhi National Award (1998).

- Mahatma Gandhi National Awards Committee, INDIA.

- Who’s Who in the World (2001), Corporate Ofice-430 Mountain Aven-400, New Providence N J 07974, United States.

- Rashtriya Gaurav Award (2005 & 2010), India International Friendship society


Honorary Positions Held


- Member, Standing Committee, Colleges with Potential Excellence, UGC, New Delhi

- Member, Standing Committee, Selection and Awards Bureau, UGC, New Delhi.

- Chairman/Member Expert Committees -AICTE, New Delhi.

- Member, Board of Examiners, CBSM, Bangalore University. Bangalore

- Member, Board of Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

- Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of Commerce, Dept. of Management and PG College (Secunderabad), Osmania University, Hyderabad.

- Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal.

- Member, Board of Studies, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore.

- Member, Board of Studies, College of Commerce and Management, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.

- Member, PG Board of Studies, Krishna University, Machilipatnam.

- Member, Governing Body, AG&SG Siddhartha Autonomous College, Vuyyuru.

- Member, PG Board of Studies, Department of Commerce and Management, Maris Stella Autonomous College, Vijayawada.

- Chairman, Board of Studies, Faculty of Commerce (Two Times).

- Member, Board of Studies, Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University, Hyderabad.

- Member, Board of Management, KLU ▪ Member, Academic Council, KLU

- Member, Finance Committee, KLU ▪ Member, Planning and Monitoring Board, KLU

- Member, University Research Board, KLU ▪ Member, Standing Committee to Board of Management, KLU

- Member, Standing Committee to Academic Council, KLU

- Member, Board of Studies, KLUNIVERSITY Business School 

    Strategic Contributions

KL - University – (Vijayawada & Hyderabad), (August 2011 to till date)

- Modified By- Laws of the Society and Complied with the Provisions of University Grants Commission (UGC) Deemed to be Universities Act, 2010.

- Prepared and Presented the University Compliance Report to Tanden Committee for Moving from Category-B to Category-A.

- Prepared the Statutes, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

- Prepared Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Quality Policy for Both the Campuses of KL University.

- Prepared Organogram with Clear Cut Position Wise Duties and Responsibilities.

- Prepared Perspective Cum Strategic Plan for 20 Years with Road Map and Plan of Action along with Annual Rolling Plans.

- Aligning Vision, Mission, Objectives and Values through Appropriate Strategies.

- Developed Policy Document and SOP for Academic and Administrative Activities. ▪ As Chairman, NAAC Core Committee, Planned & Achieved the NAAC-A Grade (3.16 CGPA) in the 1st Cycle and 3.57 CGPA in the 2nd Cycle leading to Category -1 Status.

- As Dean, Planning & Development: Proposed ERP for the University. ▪ Planned and Organized Periodical ISO Assessment for the University.

- Established and Monitored IAS Academy &Center for Distance Education. ▪ Established “Center for Excellence for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship”. ▪ Facilitated Organizational Development Plans for Enhancing Operational Effectiveness.

- Developed Blueprint (DPR) for KL University, Hyderabad. ▪

- Architect for ODL & OL Programs.

- Developed a Strategic Plan for Reaping the Advantages of Category-1 Status.

- Submitted a White Paper on 1860+ Funding Schemes Covering Global and National Sources.

- Developed an Innovative & Unique Business School Model – Changing the game in the Management Education, in line with Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad.

- Developed Benchmarks and Targets to all the NAAC Metrics for both Main Campus and Off Campus.

- Performed the Advisory Role for All Types of Accreditations and Rankings of the University.

- Organized all the Class Work and Assessment Successfully in Hyderabad Campus during the Pandemic Period.

- Prepared Plan for Establishing Academic Staff College. ▪ Reforms in Equalization of Non-Teaching Positions and Fixation of Emoluments.

- Brought in Distinctive Reforms and Strategies for Admissions. GITAM University, Hyderabad – (May 2009 to July 2011).

- Prepared GITAM University, Hyderabad for joint Inspection by UGC and AICTE for Approval. ▪ Created Academic and Physical Infra for Organizing Engineering and Management Programs. ▪ Instrumental in Establishing “Hyderabad Business School” in GITAM,Hyderabad.

- Designed New Strategies for Promotion of Admissions and other Activities.

 - Organized a Brainstorming National Seminar on “Perspectives of Management Education”. PRR PG Colleges, Hyderabad – (July 2007 to April 2009). ▪ Prepared a Road Map and Plan of Action for bringing Autonomous Status to the colleges.

- Established Placement Cell and Achieved 100% Placement. ▪ Achieved 100 % Pass in All Programs. Dr. B R Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad – First Open University in India. (August 1984 to June 2007).

- Many Reforms and Changes Brought in the Functioning of the University.

- Introduced System of E-Tendering in Material Production Branch.

- Developed Internal Audit Wing for Material Production Branch.

- Designed and Developed the Academic Programs of Management and Commerce Programs.

- Developed and Translated Course Units of the Programs: Organization and Management, Principles of Management, Business Organization and Management, Money-Banking: Principles and Practice, Sales and Distribution Management, Business Environment etc.

- Edited the Courses of Money and Banking, Organization: Theory and Practice, Human Resource Management. Principles of Management (Co-Editor), Food and Beverage production programs.

- Developed the Script and Participated as a Resource Person: 35 Interactive Live Teleconferencing Programs of MBA, M.Com and B.Com.

- Participated as Resource Person for 25 Radios- Phone in Programs for MBA and M.Com. ▪ Coordinated and Monitored the Revision of Programs of M. Com, B.A, B.Com, and B.Sc. ▪ Introduced Reforms in Teaching Learning and Assessment Processes.

- Developed the Training Manual for Teaching and Non-Teaching Separately. ▪ Organized 20 +10 Training & Workshops to Faculty, Non-Teaching, and Staff in the Study Centers.

- Organized 6 Evaluation Studies on Sub Systems of the University.

- Developed and Standardized the Criteria for Establishing Study Centers.

- Introduced Cost Effective Measures for Dispatching the Study Material to the Students.

- MOUs with ANL Transport Unit of APSRTC and Several Other Government and Private Colleges. Faculty Research Fellow, Osmania University, Hyderabad – (January 1980 to July 1984).

- Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D (Finance), Banking. Faculty Research Fellow, Osmania University, Hyderabad –(November 1977 to December 1979). Master of Philosophy – M.Phil (Finance), Banking. KVR College, Nandigama, Andhra Pradesh – (October 1971 to October 1977).

- Designed and Developed the Modules for B. Com Courses of Business Organization, Banking, Commercial Geography and Costing. ▪ Achieved 100% Pass in all the subjects taught in the college.

- New pedagogy methods like assignments, quizzes, and debates for teaching the subjects.

- Achieved distinctions and university firsts in the Subjects Taught.


- Establishing Deemed to be ‘Universities /Private ‘Universities and their Off Campuses/Off shore Campuses.

- Establishing PrivateCollegesl,/Stand-aloneInstitutions

- Accreditations, Assessments &Rankings for ‘Universities /Colleges.

- Funding through various schemes to universities/Colleges.

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