Dr. Anita Karmen Kovacs

Dr. Anita Karmen Kovacs, PhD, Science educator, researcher, A-level Chemistry teacher, Ulink College Shanghai, China


As a Hungarian citizen, I've always felt more like a citizen of the world. My journey has taken me to numerous countries, where I've had the joy of finding pieces of myself and forging lasting friendships in each place. My passion extends beyond just travel; I am deeply interested in exploring various cultures, traditions, and lifestyles across the globe.


What makes my experience even more enriching is my profession. Working as an international teacher, I have the unique opportunity to immerse myself in different worlds through the eyes and experiences of my students. This role perfectly aligns with my life's purpose: to travel, to gain a deeper understanding of the world, to remain in awe of its wonders, and most importantly, to share this wealth of knowledge.


Being part of international schools as an expat teacher, I find the perfect blend of teaching and traveling. This not only fulfils my desire to explore but also allows me to contribute positively by educating young minds. Each new location is not just a destination but a new chapter in my life, rich with learning and connections. My journey is about more than just seeing the world; it's about understanding it and helping others to do the same.



Educational qualifications


My educational journey, rooted in the rich academic soil of Hungary, reflects a deep-seated passion for science and an unwavering commitment to continuous learning. It began in high school, where I majored in English, a language that I have since mastered to near-native proficiency, a testament to my dedication and aptitude for linguistic skills.


After high school, I embarked on a rigorous academic path in chemistry, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Bioinorganic Chemistry at the prestigious University of Szeged. It was during my second year that I dove headfirst into the practical world of organic chemistry through an internship at the Department of Medical Chemistry. This hands-on experience culminated in a thesis focused on glycopeptide synthesis, a challenging yet fascinating topic.


Demonstrating exceptional academic prowess, I completed my B.Sc. studies a semester early, during which time I also served as an assistant researcher at the department. My thirst for knowledge led me to a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Research, paralleled by a fellowship at a leading biotechnology company. This period marked the beginning of my journey as an educator, teaching chemistry at the university's international medical school.


My master's thesis on the synthesis of modified peptides was just another milestone in my relentless pursuit of scientific excellence. This pursuit continued as I entered the doctoral school of theoretical medicine at the same university, intertwining teaching, biotechnology research, and a research position at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


Securing my PhD, with a thesis on luciferin-based bioimaging molecules, was a journey marked by a kaleidoscope of academic endeavours: teaching, researching, studying, and participating in conferences. It was a path not just of academic achievement but of personal growth, illustrating a life dedicated to science, education, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.



Teaching and research expert in science


My expertise is a mosaic of teaching and research, each aspect equally rich in experience and passion. In the realm of research, my heart belongs to organic synthesis, a field where I have amassed an impressive 15 years of experience. The journey through organic synthesis is akin to navigating a complex labyrinth—it's fraught with challenges and setbacks, yet these obstacles only fuel my determination to discover the right synthesis route. Being an organic chemistry researcher is not merely a job; it's an all-consuming passion. It involves immersing oneself in the depths of scientific literature, brainstorming innovative synthesis methods, and experiencing the unparalleled joy of a successful experiment. Success in this field is the result of a confluence of numerous factors, and while the path has been demanding, it has been equally rewarding.


Parallel to my research is my extensive 13+ years of teaching, spanning both university and high school levels. Currently, my focus has shifted more towards teaching, where I find immense fulfilment in a noble mission: guiding my students towards gaining admission into the world’s top universities. This responsibility isn't taken lightly; it involves delivering education of the highest caliber. Leveraging my background as a university educator, I offer my students a unique advantage. I understand the diverse requirements of various universities intimately, equipping me to prepare my students effectively for their academic futures.


Beyond the curriculum, I endeavour to enrich their educational experience. By introducing research activities, scientific paper analysis, and science seminars as extracurricular activities, I aim to provide more than just standard education. My goal is to offer something extra—something that ignites a passion for science and research in my students. This additional layer of education is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about instilling a sense of curiosity and a drive to explore beyond the classroom. Through these efforts, I hope to not only prepare my students academically but also inspire them to pursue their own paths of inquiry and discovery.



Professional journey


My professional journey is a story of passion ignited by inspiration and a relentless pursuit of a dream that began in my high school years. The moment that set everything in motion was my first biology class; the awe and wonder kindled in that room were thanks to an exceptional teacher whose influence on me was profound. On that very day, I was captivated by the allure of science, and I made a resolute decision: I was going to become a scientist.


This vision of me as a researcher tirelessly working in a laboratory became the driving force behind my diligent efforts in high school. My hard work paid off when I was admitted to university, where, in my first year, I encountered another pivotal figure—a professor who taught pharmaceutical chemistry with such charisma and expertise that I was utterly enchanted. It was in that classroom that I found my calling in pharmaceutical and drug research. This new-found goal shaped the trajectory of my entire academic journey.


I was fortunate enough to align myself with a department, supervisors, colleagues, and a research group that provided unwavering support. To them, I owe immense gratitude for the opportunities to explore and grow as a researcher throughout my studies. I relished every moment of this journey, deeply immersed in the world of scientific inquiry.


Teaching initially emerged as a side job, but gradually, it evolved into something more significant. I began to realise that my true aspiration was to emulate the impact my two remarkable teachers had on me. I aspired to be the catalyst for a lifelong passion for science in my students, just as my teachers had been for me.


My professional path, therefore, became a blend of research and teaching. Each step reinforced my belief that my purpose was not only to contribute to the scientific community through research but also to inspire and nurture the next generation of scientists. My ultimate goal is to be as influential and inspiring a figure to my students as those two professors were in my life, igniting a flame of passion for science that burns just as brightly as it did in me.



Connecting science to daily life by teaching


Professional description of my teaching style: Bridging science with everyday life


In my approach to teaching, I place a significant emphasis on demonstrating that science is not just a subject confined to textbooks but a fascinating aspect of our everyday lives and the broader universe. My teaching style is deeply rooted in the philosophy of making science accessible and relatable to everyone.


Connecting the classroom to the real world: During each class, regardless of the topic, I make it a point to illustrate how the subject matter interweaves with our daily experiences. This connection is crucial, as it helps students understand the practical relevance and implications of scientific concepts. Whether it's discussing a potential pandemic or the science behind the latest technological innovations, my goal is to ensure that every student grasps the science that shapes our world.


Human-faced science lessons: My teaching is centred around the concept of 'human-faced' science education. This approach is about demystifying scientific concepts and making them comprehensible and interesting to all students, regardless of their background in science. It's about breaking down complex theories into understandable segments that resonate with their everyday experiences.


Journal clubs for in-depth exploration: For students with a deeper interest in science, I offer 'journal clubs' as an extracurricular activity. Here, we collectively read and analyse current research papers. This not only exposes them to the latest scientific discoveries but also encourages critical thinking as we discuss the research's objectives and its contribution to human understanding and welfare.


Inviting high-achiever researchers: Another key aspect of my teaching style is inviting accomplished researchers to present their work at our school. These sessions provide students with direct exposure to pioneering scientific work and the minds behind it. It serves as an inspirational platform, showcasing real-world scientific achievements and possibly igniting a passion for scientific pursuit in my students.


In essence, my teaching style is about making science approachable and relevant. It’s about nurturing a deep understanding and appreciation of science in everyday life while also providing avenues for students to delve deeper into scientific research. My aim is to inspire, educate, and empower students to appreciate the omnipresence of science and its pivotal role in our world.



Scientific research, publications, and journals


Throughout my career in organic chemistry, my research and publications have predominantly centred around the synthesis of organic compounds with significant medical applications. My work has spanned a diverse array of compounds, including glycopeptides, heterocycle-based drug candidates, antiamnestic and antimicrobial peptides, peptid-heterocycle conjugates for bioimaging, and various modified peptides, all tailored for medical purposes.


A significant portion of my research time was dedicated to the synthesis and analysis of peptides. This involved not only the complex process of creating these compounds but also rigorously testing their stability under various conditions, such as in different eye drop formulations. Such studies are crucial in medical research, as they determine the feasibility and safety of these compounds in practical applications.


Collaboration has been a cornerstone of my work. I have consistently worked in close tandem with biologists and medical doctors, fostering a multidisciplinary approach that is essential in modern scientific research. This collaboration has enabled a more comprehensive understanding of the compounds and their potential medical applications.


Beyond the laboratory, a considerable part of my role involved the meticulous process of data collection, organisation, and analysis. Representing these findings in a scientific paper is as much an art as it is a science. It requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to convey complex information in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.


I take great pride in having my work published in leading scientific journals. This achievement is a testament to the quality and significance of my research. Writing a scientific paper is a demanding task, requiring a delicate balance of technical expertise, analytical thinking, and narrative clarity. It is through these publications that I have been able to contribute meaningfully to the field of organic chemistry and its application in medicine, marking my commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and its practical applications.



Influence of chemistry on career


My journey towards becoming an educator was profoundly influenced by a figure who exemplifies the pinnacle of academic and pedagogical excellence—my professor in pharmaceutical and drug development chemistry. He stands out not just as an educator but as a mentor and a role model, embodying the essence of what it means to inspire and enlighten students.


His expertise in organic chemical synthesis was unparalleled, but what truly set him apart was his approach to teaching. His classes were not only informative but also immensely enjoyable, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. He had a unique talent for intertwining intriguing facts and insights with the core chemistry curriculum, enriching our learning experience beyond the conventional bounds of the subject.


In the laboratory, his strict yet effective guidance was instrumental in honing our practical skills. Under his tutelage, we gained confidence and competence in conducting various chemical syntheses, a skill crucial for any aspiring researcher. His high standards in the lab ensured that we were not just theoretically knowledgeable, but also practically adept.


His reputation among students was one of immense respect and admiration. He was more than just a teacher; he was a beacon of knowledge and a source of inspiration, influencing how we perceived and engaged with the world of chemistry. Despite advancing in age, his dedication to his work remains undiminished. He often remarks that his continued engagement in teaching and research keeps him youthful and vibrant.


As I reflect on my career as an educator, it is clear that he has been my greatest inspiration. My aspiration is to emulate his blend of profound knowledge, engaging teaching style, and unwavering commitment to student success. I aim to be for my students what he has been for himself—a mentor who not only imparts knowledge.

But it also ignites a passion for learning and discovery. His influence has been the guiding light in my professional path, shaping my approach to teaching and my aspiration to leave a lasting impact on my students.

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