Dr. Francisco Bulnes

Dr. Francisco Bulnes, Director, IINAMEI (Investigación Internacional Avanzada en Matemáticas e Ingeniería)


I am a kind and generous mathematician who likes to help anyone interested in mathematics and also physics since I am interested in applications in field theory through photonics, electronics, and spintronics. That has led me to have to establish some results in QFT (Quantum Faithful Theory), QED (Quantum Electrodynamics), and TFT (Topological Field Theory). I have been popular in my community and at all universities and research institutes where I've worked because I always follow my own rules and I like to be allowed to work. My relationship with young people is very important to me because they are the future. I really like English music from the 60s and 70s, eras that I consider the best in terms of popular music. Jazz is also great for me. Women should get more involved in science. There should be more women scientists because I consider that women are beings with many abilities and have a more integrated vision of the world.



Educational and professional journey of mathematician Dr. Francisco


I am a Mathematician with a Mathematics PhD degree. Also, I have PostDocs from Cuba and Russia in the years 2006–2007 and 2015–2016 on aspects of topological groups and derived categories, respectively. My research interests in mathematics are algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, infinite Lie theory, global analysis, cohomology (motivic and relative), and many aspects of theoretical physics, like field theory (QFT, QED, and TFT). Actually, I am the director of IINAMEI, the best independent research centre in the State of Mexico, an entity in the Mexican Republic dedicated to advanced research on sensors and transducers with high mathematical support and theories. Also, I am the head of the research department in Mathematics and Engineering at TESCHA (Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Chalco), where I worked as a researcher-professor or chair professor in the electronics engineering division.

Fig. 1. Participating as a speaker in a conference organized by Instituto Tecnológico de Tlahuac III, in CDMX. 


Fig. 2. Participating as a speaker in a conference organised by TUVCH (Tecnológico Universitario del Valle de Chalco), in the State of Mexico. Representing as IINAMEI Director.

Teaching methods of Dr. Francisco


I really like using the blackboard, as if I were writing a book. I try to be very organized and clear in my presentation. One of the things that greatly impresses my students and the young people who attend my classes is the way I speak during my presentations, trying to express myself like a scientist exposing a theory, in this case the topics and units of the subjects that I teach them. I like that they don't write anything and pay attention to everything I say, ask questions, or make comments that can enrich my teaching. After I fill out the board completely, I ask them to take notes. Sometimes in class, I share a video of the life of a great mathematician or scientist. Then I ask them to tell me everything about what they saw. I like to give many examples of the principles presented.

Fig. 3. Teaching research on advanced electronics in my laboratory-office. The young people are students of electronics engineering. They belong to my GI (Grupo de Investigación) “Research Group” inside TESCHA.

Major research publications of mathematician Dr. Francisco


It's hard to say which one is the best. However, I want to say that all the publications I have made in Mathematics Journals have been very important. Also, there are some monographs that I have on the subject, such as: "Integral Geometry Methods in the Geometrical Langlands Program" which is a summary of my first 20 mathematics articles published in 15 different journals.

DR. Francisco’s contributions as an international mathematician


I am the inventor of some mathematical theories, like curvature energy theory, where I have a new metrology of curvature and torsion. Also, I have my mathematical theory of nanotechnology, which searches through certain operators called ground operators to define the field intentionality, the field conscience, and give certainty to all processes on matter and energy, increasing the synchronicity of events and decreasing the uncertainty in quantum mechanics. I have many theorems in mathematical physics and algebraic geometry (with my name) to study microscopic aspects and phenomena of space-time, considering strings and branes of certain classes and Moduli spaces that can be constructed with these. I have more than 180 papers and chapters published in prestige mathematics and physics journals, as well as in many journals on electronics and nanotechnology sciences and engineering. In these last-mentioned publications, I have theories on nanomedicine and aspects of quasi-relaxation in metals.

Dr. Francisco’s awards and honours


I have received many Doctorates Honoris Causa from many international universities, NGO's, and GO’s institutions. I have more than 70 badges and insignia from many publishing houses, societies of sciences and more. I am a MathSci, MathsReview, and ZblattMath author and reviewer. In more than 20 countries around the world, they have paid tribute to me and published my biography. However, the best recognition I have had is from my students, whom I love and who I formed. Today they are scientists, they have masters and PhD's and have worked in technological firms around the world (Omar, Helen, Michelle, Itzcoatl, Cuauhtémoc, Brandon, Jatsiri, Andy, Gabriel, Victor, Isaí, Luis, Marco, Freddy, etcetera). These young people take me as an example for them.

Fig. 4. Recently I have received a Doctorate Honoris Causa from Peru.

Dr. Francisco’s major area of expertise


Algebraic geometry and mathematical physics are my major expertise, and I have a publication called “Integral Geometry Methods” in the USA. 

Fig. 5. Book on algebraic geometry and mathematical physics was published in June 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-61896-139-6) in the United States of America.

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