Dr. Lipika Sharma

Dr. Lipika Sharma, Freelance Consultant UN Women, Founder & Director - VidAikyam Foundation


Dr. Lipika Sharma is an Indian lawyer and academic with 23 years plus experience in legal writing, analysis, consulting, project management litigation, teaching, and training, combined with a research degree in law. Her expertise is in gender justice, women's empowerment, sustainable development goals, climate change, disaster management, and resilience. As an experienced communicator, she has taught at prestigious universities in the capacities of Associate Professor and Associate Dean. With her exceptional communication skills, she conducts workshops and training sessions on topics like the prevention of sexual harassment  (POSH) in the workplace, gender sensitization, equality, and justice for corporations, joint ventures, and universities etc. and has trained more than 10 thousand people. She has pursued her passion for the law and ventured into legal publishing, showcasing her versatility and determination to explore new horizons as a Managing Editor-Legal (Asia-Pacific Region) for Wolters Kluwer's Australia, the largest Australian legal publisher, and was responsible for overseeing legal writing and knowledge transfer. She gives consultancy and legal advice and publishes with esteemed UN bodies such as UN Women, UNDRR, UNDP, IFRC, international consultancies, and others on topics such as SDGs, climate change, women's empowerment, and gender inclusion and works in the focused area of disaster and climate. She was also a legal advisor with the Central Council for Indian Medicines, a statutory body, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. With her passion and calling to give back to society, she founded the VidAikyam Foundation, a non-profit company in India focused on gender justice, women empowerment, disaster management and resilience, and climate change to spread awareness, knowledge, capacity building, and skill development globally.



Educational qualifications for the better well-being of mankind


The impressive academic background of Dr. Lipika Sharma is a true inspiration to all. Through her dedication and hard work, the individual has established herself as a true expert in the field. Her accomplishments serve as a reminder that, with perseverance and a thirst for knowledge, anyone can achieve excellence.


Her achievements include a Doctorate (PhD) in Climate Change Law as well as an earned LL.M. degree with distinction and a first division from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, and a Specialisation in Intellectual Property Rights Laws. Additionally, she has a Bachelor of Laws from the Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi, and a Master in Arts in Political Science, where she was awarded the college topper title and ranked 2nd at the University of Delhi.


Her desire for knowledge and to develop expertise is evident through her completion of various short courses, including a certificate course on the prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) from UNICEF, and a 30-hour online certificate course on 'Understanding Gender, Inequality, Intersectionality, Social Action: Feminist Perspective', from Himachal Pradesh University,a Certificate courses from the World Bank Institute's web-based learning program in association with the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India in 'Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework, ‘Gender Aspects of Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction, Certificate courses on 'Introduction to Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific', and 'Green Investments: Renewable Energy', from Asian Development Bank Institute along with a certificate in 'Gender Data 101'.


Further, she holds a one-year Online Diploma in Environmental Law from Indira Gandhi Open National University (IGNOU) in collaboration with the World-Wide Fund (WWF), New Delhi, with an A+ grade, a one-year Diploma in Corporate Law and Management from the Indian Law Institute, Delhi, a one-year Diploma in Journalism from Y.M.C.A, Delhi and a certificate course in Intellectual Property Rights from Indian Law Institute, Delhi with an A+ grade.



Professional Journey of Dr. Lipika with UN Bodies


She is a trailblazing professional who has dedicated her career to making a positive impact on the world. She is an accomplished professional with a well-rounded career path and a proven track record of delivering results. From her work in litigation and legal publication to teaching law and providing legal advice to esteemed international bodies such as the United Nations, the Red Cross, and international consultancies, she has seen all the dynamics of the profession. Her contributions to the cause of women's empowerment and gender inclusion are significant, and her reports are featured on the official website of UN bodies. She is an exceptional woman and has accomplished so much in her career as a Law professor, making a significant impact by partnering with various NGOs and contributing to UNFCCC climate deliberations, giving voice to women. Her partnerships with international organisations recognised by UNFCCC—the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)—and GenderCC, a German NGO focused on women's empowerment and gender justice in the climate change convention framework, are truly inspiring. She has authored 4 books, 5 chapters, and over 65 articles on a wide range of topics, including women's rights, environmental law, the judiciary, transgender, tribal rights, climate change etc., in international and national journals of repute. Her commitment to empowering women and promoting gender inclusion is unmatched. Her vision is to create sustainable solutions that will have a positive impact on communities and the environment, with a special focus on women's empowerment. Her recent publication, 'Scoping Study on the Use of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 37 on Gender-Related Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction in a Changing Climate' was published by the UN on October 19, 2023. https://www.undrr.org/publication/scoping-study-use-cedawgeneral-recommendation-no-37-gender-related-dimensions-disaster


She provided legal consultation to support an IFRC project in 2023 that aimed to map the disaster laws and public health emergency regulations in the ASEAN region. She undertook case study research for UN Women in 2022 for the Commission on Status of Women66. Background Paper: “Empowering Women in Climate, Environment, and Disaster Risk Governance: from National Policy to Local Action” The focus of her research was a case study on gender in eco-system-based adaptation and local governance. https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/CSW/66/EGM/Background%20P apers/Mary%20PICARD_CSW66%20Background%20Paper.pdf.


She has provided pro bono advice to the UNDP and IFRC for their global synthesis report on effective laws and regulations for disaster risk reduction.





Awards and achievements of Dr. Lipika Sharma


She is the only Indian on the Expert Global Register of Women's Resilience to Disasters (WRD) Knowledge Hub, created by UN Women with only 67 experts in the area of Gender, disaster and climate. https://wrd.unwomen.org/engage/experts/lipika-sharma


Being on Expert Global Register is a testament to her expertise and hard work in the field. She stands among the 100 women leaders from across the globe, appointed as the G100-India Chair for the Sustainable Development Goals Wing. G100 includes luminaries of eminence and excellence, including Nobel Laureates, Heads of States, Ministers, Businesswomen, Philanthropists, Investors, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Corporate and Community Leaders, represent a powerful group of women leaders and achievers. Her appointment is an acknowledgement of her vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to building a better future for all.


Her contributions to the cause of women and society have been recognised and awarded on several occasions, including being acknowledged as a Rising Star of Bharat by MENTORx and awarded the Noble Citizen title in women empowerment category in 2023. As President of India-Western Australia Business Council, WICCI, 2023-2024 and recipient of the UAE-INDO Best Woman Barrister Award 2023, Exceptional Women of Excellence by Women Economic Forum 2022, Indo Asian Teaching Excellence Award 2021, in Climate Change and Environmental Law category, and “Best Women Educator in Innovative Law Teaching” at the National Education Excellence Award 2017, in association with the United Nations Global Compact.



Dr. Lipika talks about women's empowerment and socio-environmental changes


Dr. Sharma's proficiency in the field of women's empowerment and gender inclusion, specifically in the context of disaster management and climate change, presents a complex and challenging area of work. So far, issues related to gender and women have not been given enough priority and attention in this realm. As an expert with UN Women working closely with international NGOs and participating in the climate conferences including COP28, she strongly believes that despite women being the most affected by climate change and natural disasters, their needs and experiences are often overlooked. She finds it unacceptable that, despite women being the main stakeholders in disaster and climate impacts, gender and women issues have not yet taken centre stage. She firmly believes that globally, the official text must recognise the importance of women's experiences while framing policies, strategies, and laws on disaster and climate. As a result, decision-makers must proactively prioritize women's perspectives. She thinks sexual harassment of women at work place is another stumbling block that needs to be urgently addressed. Despite the mandate of the law to train and sensitise employees on the law and consequences of violations to ensure a gender-just work environment, it's disappointing to note that compliance is lacking and no strict action is taken against violators. Dr. Sharma is working tirelessly to raise awareness of these issues and create a more inclusive and responsive policy framework. In addition to these systemic challenges, sexual harassment of women is an urgent problem that cannot be ignored.



Research and publications of advocate Lipika


Her core areas of research are gender inclusion, equity and justice, women empowerment, environment, sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, disaster, disaster management, disaster risk resilience, climate change, just transition law, advocacy, and policy formation. Her PhD is on ‘Traditional knowledge as a tool to mitigate climate change: Need for the Legal Framework'. She has edited and authored books on ‘Geographical Indications in India: Law and Procedure, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ‘EBOOK for All India Reporter (AIR) on “Environment Law’, “Green Intellectual Property and Climate Change Mitigation Technologies’ and ,'Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Growth: Prospects and Challenges. Chapters published are Women Empowerment and Gender equality: Indian Scenario” Role of judiciary in Law and Social Change’ in Weser Books German Publication forward by former Chief Justice of India, Justice Mishra, ‘Gender Justice and Land Rights in Tribal India: A Critical Analysis’, edited by NLU, Assam VC, ‘Right to Life is Synonym with Right to Healthy Environment: National and International Perspective’, ‘Climate Change Impact on Biodiversity: Adaptation and Mitigation Through Green, “Geographical Indications: An Economic Engine to India’s Economic Growth’, to mention a few out of 65 publications.



Dr. Lipika, a pro-bono lawyer


She has been working at the grassroots for community outreach in many ways and is associated with various international and National NGOs. She has worked pro bono with UNDP-IFRC and was among 2 lawyers chosen from India for the Global Synthesis Report on Disaster Laws, and she has given them legal advice on disaster laws in the State of Punjab. She is associated with the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC), one of the nine stakeholder groups of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),a global network of organisations, experts, and activists working for gender equality, women's rights, and climate justice. She is also an active member of GenderCC, a Germany-based organisation working in the focus area of Women for Climate Justice. She has been an active participant in the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change to put forth her view on women and gender issues.


As a university professor at various leading Universities, she headed pro bono legal aid clinics and mediation centres. She has led teams of young adults for pro bono work related to community outreach. During COVID-19 for POSH-related community outreach, she guided young adults to develop a short literature for common knowledge and skill development for society at large. Guided students to collect data related to awareness levels on the issue via online polls.

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