Explore 10 exoplanets discovered by NASA

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, beyond the familiar realms of our solar system, lie worlds of extraordinary diversity and intrigue. These distant orbs, known as exoplanets, have captured the imagination of astronomers and enthusiasts alike, offering tantalizing glimpses into the vast tapestry of the universe. Among the pioneers in the quest to unravel the mysteries of these celestial marvels is NASA, whose relentless pursuit of exploration has led to the discovery of over 5,200 exoplanets to date. Here, we embark on a journey to explore 10 of the most captivating exoplanets exposed by NASA's groundbreaking discoveries.

TIC 172900988 b: Nestled within a mesmerizing binary star system, TIC 172900988 b stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring complexity of the cosmos. Discovered in 2021, this Jupiter-sized planet orbits its twin suns, creating a celestial ballet as it transits across their faces, captivating observers on distant worlds and inspiring wonder among astronomers on Earth.

AU Microscopii b: In the cosmic cradle of one of the youngest planetary systems ever observed, AU Microscopii b emerges as a beacon of exploration. Located less than 32 light-years away, this enigmatic world orbits a star that exhibits extreme and violent activity, offering a glimpse into the tumultuous genesis of planetary bodies.

Kepler-452 b: Dubbed Earth's older cousin, Kepler-452 b invites speculation about the potential for extraterrestrial life. Discovered in 2015, this exoplanet shares remarkable similarities with our blue planet, orbiting a sun-like star within the habitable zone where conditions may be conducive to life as we know it.

GJ 15 A b and GJ 15 A c: Among the closest multi-planet neighbors to our solar system identified by NASA, GJ 15 A b and GJ 15 A c orbit a red dwarf star a mere 11 light-years away. Discovered in 2014, these worlds offer tantalizing opportunities for further exploration and investigation into the diversity of planetary systems.

GJ 504: With its majestic magenta hue, GJ 504 stands as a testament to the breathtaking beauty of the cosmos. This colossal celestial body, discovered by NASA, radiates the warmth of its creation, inviting contemplation of the forces that shape the universe.

Kepler-22b: Positioned within the habitable zone of its star, Kepler-22b tantalizes scientists with the possibility of liquid water on its surface. Discovered in 2011, this exoplanet represents a prime target in the search for potentially habitable worlds beyond our solar system.

Kepler-70b (KOI-55): Enduring temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, Kepler-70b faces a fiery fate as it slowly evaporates under the intense heat of its dead star. Discovered in 2011, this hellish world offers insights into the tumultuous evolution of planetary systems.

TrES-2 b: Shrouded in perpetual darkness, TrES-2 b emerges as one of the darkest exoplanets known to science. Discovered in 2006, this enigmatic world captivates astronomers with its eerie glow and mysterious atmosphere, inviting speculation about its origins and composition.

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