Chehak Yadav

Chehak Yadav, Founder, Educating Buddy

I’m Chehak Yadav, a passionate individual about empowering young minds through education and applying my expertise in mathematics and economics to address real-world challenges. As the founder of Educating Buddy, I am dedicated to fostering a holistic approach to learning that blends academic support with essential life skills and ethical values.

My interests lie in the intersection of mathematics and economics, where I explore how these fields can solve complex problems and drive positive change. This curiosity drives me to seek innovative solutions and develop strategies that are both effective and impactful.

Beyond my work in education, I have led community initiatives, such as food drives, supporting over 1,000 people through fundraisers that have collected over 30,000 INR in donations, demonstrating my commitment to social responsibility and community service. My efforts in organizing fundraisers and supporting those in need reflect my dedication to making a tangible difference in people's lives.

Additionally, I have ventured into the logistics business, applying strategic thinking and entrepreneurial skills to contribute to various sectors. This experience has further honed my abilities in problem-solving and leadership, essential qualities for navigating today’s dynamic world.

Could you tell us about your venture, Educating Buddy, and its services?

Educating Buddy is a social foundation dedicated to the holistic development of children who lack a stable learning environment. Our mission is to provide comprehensive education that supports personal growth and contributes to the development of the country. With a dedicated team of seven members, we offer various services, including classroom support, online classes, and the distribution of books, stationery, and electronic gadgets.

Our programs are designed to make education accessible and engaging, addressing learning gaps and ensuring uninterrupted education, especially during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. We distribute textbooks, picture books, and other learning materials through community donations to ensure that all children have access to educational resources, regardless of their technological means. Additionally, we provide electronic devices to enhance learning experiences.

A special focus is placed on improving mathematics and English skills, areas significantly impacted during the pandemic. We also run campaigns to support the education of children from migratory worker families, addressing their unique challenges and helping them stay on track with their education. At Educating Buddy, we believe that every child deserves the chance to learn, grow, and succeed, and we are committed to making this belief a reality.

What inspired you to start the venture, Educating Buddy?
My inspiration for starting Educating Buddy stemmed from the profound impact the global pandemic had on education. Between 2018 and 2020, dropout rates surged dramatically, as reported by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR). During this turbulent period, I was transitioning from middle school to high school, and I could deeply relate to the academic struggles faced by students.
The situation was compounded by financial hardships and the pervasive fear of the virus. I saw this firsthand through our house help, Mrs. Gupta, whose daughter, Shweta, was in her hometown. Mrs. Gupta frequently shared her worries about how Shweta's education was suffering due to the pandemic. During this time, I offered to tutor Shweta online, who was then in 4th grade.
As we began our classes, Shweta's progress was noticeable, and Mrs. Gupta expressed her relief and gratitude. Shweta's improvement was not only academic but also emotional, as she regained her confidence in learning. When Shweta’s friends also showed interest in joining our sessions, it became clear that this was more than just an individual effort—it was a collective need.
This experience illuminated the gap in educational support during the pandemic and motivated me to establish Educating Buddy. Our mission is to bridge this gap and provide holistic education that nurtures not only academic skills but also resilience and hope for a brighter future.
How has your leadership style contributed to the success of Educating Buddy?
My leadership style at Educating Buddy is inherently collaborative, which has been crucial to our success. I actively involve team members in decision-making processes and promote open, transparent communication. This approach has helped us build a strong, motivated team dedicated to making education accessible and engaging for children below the age of 12.

I strive to inspire and uplift others, ensuring that every team member feels valued and heard. By fostering a culture of respect and mutual support, we boost morale and encourage innovation. Team members are empowered to share their ideas and take initiative, which leads to diverse perspectives and creative solutions that continuously improve our programs.
One of the core aspects of my leadership is leading by example. I engage directly in all aspects of our initiatives, from tutoring sessions to organizing community events and even celebrating personal milestones like birthdays. By actively participating, I demonstrate my commitment to our mission and show the team how to approach tasks and challenges. After taking the lead, I discuss the pros and cons with the team, facilitating a collaborative review that helps refine our strategies.

Additionally, I prioritize the professional and personal growth of our volunteers. I provide opportunities for skill development and encourage them to take on leadership roles within the organization. This not only builds their confidence but also ensures a sustainable model of leadership succession.
Our collaborative leadership style has strengthened our relationships with the community, gaining their trust and enabling us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the children we serve. Together, we are nurturing future leaders and change-makers, one student at a time.

Could you tell us about your areas of expertise and how they have contributed to your success?
My expertise in empathy, collaboration, and strategic communication has been crucial to the success of Educating Buddy. By deeply understanding the personal and educational struggles of our students, I have tailored our programs to address their unique needs. My collaborative approach involves actively engaging my team in decision-making and celebrating milestones together, fostering a motivated and innovative environment. Effective communication has also been key to building strong relationships with local communities and gaining their trust and support. These skills have collectively enabled us to create impactful and sustainable educational programs that make a meaningful difference in the lives of the children we serve.

I am an economics and business enthusiast with a strong foundation in mathematics. My deep understanding of economics has been fundamental in shaping the strategic direction of Educating Buddy. By analyzing socioeconomic factors, I have been able to design programs that address the unique challenges faced by underprivileged children, contributing to long-term community development.

My business acumen has been crucial in establishing and growing Educating Buddy, helping to streamline operations, optimize resource management, and ensure financial sustainability. Effective fundraising strategies and efficient use of donations have maximized our impact. My mathematical skills aid in precise budgeting, data analysis, and measuring program outcomes, while also enhancing the educational content and tutoring sessions we provide. Additionally, my collaborative leadership style has fostered an inclusive environment, building a motivated and dedicated team that brings innovative ideas and efficient problem-solving to our initiatives.

Understanding the importance of community involvement, I have leveraged my communication skills to build strong relationships with local communities, engaging parents, teachers, and leaders to gain their trust and support. These areas of expertise have collectively contributed to the success of Educating Buddy, enabling us to create effective, sustainable, and impactful educational programs. My background in economics and business, combined with my passion for education and community service, drives our mission to provide holistic development and equal educational opportunities for all children.

What do you consider to be your most significant achievement in your professional life?
My most significant professional achievement is founding and developing Educating Buddy into a successful social foundation that has a profound impact on underprivileged children. What began as a simple vision to provide holistic education and equal opportunities has grown into a comprehensive initiative that offers classroom support, online classes, and distribution drives for educational materials.

Our programs have not only filled educational gaps but have also fostered curiosity, a love for learning, and academic success among our students. A notable achievement was during the COVID-19 pandemic, when we seamlessly transitioned to online learning. By providing videos, worksheets, and digital support, we ensured that education continued uninterrupted despite the challenges.

Additionally, our efforts to collect and distribute educational materials and electronic devices from community donations have ensured that students lacking access to technology still have the resources needed for learning. Special attention has been given to improving math and English skills, especially for children of migrant workers, helping them stay on track with their education.

The tangible impact on over 250 children across three states, the progress they’ve made, and the trust we’ve built in the community stand as a testament to the power of education and the difference that dedicated efforts can make.

What advice would you offer to young students aspiring to start their own educational or community service initiatives?
My advice to young students aspiring to start their own educational or community service initiatives is simple: take action. Go out and meet people, talk to them, and understand their needs and challenges. Building connections and gaining firsthand insights are invaluable steps in creating meaningful and impactful projects.

Start by identifying a cause you are passionate about and begin engaging with your community. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek guidance from those with experience. Learning from others can provide you with valuable knowledge and perspectives that will help shape your initiative.

Remember, you don’t need to have everything perfectly planned out from the beginning. The most important thing is to just start. Take the first step, no matter how small it may seem. Your initial efforts may involve volunteering, organizing small events, or simply spreading awareness about your cause. As you gain experience and build your network, your initiative will grow and evolve.

Be prepared to face challenges and setbacks along the way. Perseverance and adaptability are keys to overcoming obstacles and finding solutions. Stay committed to your mission and keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

Lastly, collaborate with others who share your passion and vision. Working together with like-minded individuals can amplify your impact and create a stronger, more effective initiative. Encourage open communication, share responsibilities, and support each other’s growth.

Starting an educational or community service initiative can be incredibly rewarding. By taking action, engaging with your community, and remaining dedicated to your cause, you can make a meaningful difference and inspire others to do the same. So, go out there, connect with people, and just start—your efforts can create a lasting positive impact.

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