Arijit Mondal

Arijit Mondal, Chief Executive Officer, Life SCC Pvt. Ltd. India
Could you introduce yourself to our audience?

Born in West Bengal, I moved to Bangalore back in 2003 for higher studies post completion of my 12th. A professional with 17 years of experience in Hospitality, Fashion, Retail and Wellness industries. Successfully headed two different brands in Aesthetics and Wellness industry as CEO in the last 7 years. Sustainable growth through strategic moves, understanding the needs of the internal and external customers along with setting a strong process to achieve long term organizational goals have been my forte over the years. I love reading and strongly believe that there is no equally efficient alternative option for learning. You can consider me old school, however, that is my personal belief.

Could you tell us about your venture and its services/products?
We, in Life, help our clients in weight management, obesity control, and lifestyle modification through cutting-edge technologies and expert Dieticians to lead a healthy life. The difficult conundrum that Mankind has gone through during the pandemic just a couple of years back, made us even more committed to making people healthy and fit through our bouquet of services. We also cater to the aesthetic needs of our clients, providing them the best possible solution for their Skin and Hair concerns with the help of advanced technologies and expert Dermatologists.
What makes your services different from others on the market?
Efficacy is the key. We take a holistic and scientific approach that helps our clients in entire lifestyle modification. Life has been the pioneer in introducing the cutting-edge technologies to maximise the efficacy and also to provide a long term solution for our clients under the guidance of expert Dermatologists, Physiotherapists and Dietitians. We also focus on understanding the actual needs of our clients and offer customized solutions to ensure maximum client satisfaction. We ensure personalized care for each of our clients in this journey. Therefore, clients can choose the best possible solution from the gamut of services as per their budget while the quality and safety remain uncompromised.
As the CEO, how do you ensure that Life continues to meet international standards in the services you provide?
Selecting both - the Machine and the Human behind the Machine are equally important. We are particular about US FDA approval apart from European CE certification while introducing any technology in the organization. We do not introduce any drug until we are over sure on the safety apart from its efficacy. Choosing the customised treatment eliminating all the contraindications is another key. At the same time, we ensure not to compromise on the expertise and the technical knowledge of the employees while recruiting at all levels. Periodic hands-on training of the entire medical team, including doctors, was found to be immensely effective. Also, we developed a culture of continuous learning and development across all the departments to match the pace of fast evolving trends in the industry.
How do you foster a culture of continuous learning and development among your staff in the fields of weight loss, skin, and hair care?
This, of course, took continued conscious effort and time. We first identified the short-term and long-term individual and group training needs at different levels. Initially, we started with small rewards. Then it created a sense of competition. Included some fun elements in the learning process. Eventually showed them the bigger picture by introducing the CDP (Career Development Program) through a comprehensive approach that includes coaching, training, and mentoring. This helped many of the team members grow within the system in the last couple of years. We introduced the cross-department trainings to ensure better understanding and coordination across departments. Also, we have taken the approach of giving growth opportunities to the internal people wherever possible. This helped team members to realise the power of knowledge. Training and development of the subordinates was included in KPI for everyone at and above the supervisory role. Train The Trainer program helped the senior team take initiative to coach and mentor their respective team members. And the culture has flown down apparently. Now I am proud to be a part of a knowledge monger team.
Could you tell us about your milestones and achievements as a company?
We are a 16-year-old brand with continued focus on quality and excellence. We are the fastest-growing chain in the last 2 years in terms of revenue in the industry down South. Our phenomenal yet sustainable growth over the last 2 years has been a success story of a highly skilled, aspirational, and passionate team. We have achieved the highest retention percentage of clients with our High Touch Service. These helped us achieve exponential CAGR as well.
Life was awarded the “Best Service Quality” Award from HYM Quality Awards. We also won the “Best Weight Loss Clinic” Award from Merit Awards and Market Research.Life was also crowned with the “Most Prominent Healthcare” Award.
What will be your one piece of advice for fitness aspirants?
Remove the “cheat day” from your dictionary, as that psychologically legalises the deviation from your routine. Let your Neo Cortex take over and consider your fitness regimen as non-negotiable under any circumstances. Enforce this for the initial 30 days. You will get programmed, rather addicted to the goodness post that.

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