Col (Dr) Akash Ghosh, Chief Technology Officer Passive Infrastructure, Globacom


A Professional with 39 Years of Telecom Experience both in the Indian Army and Corporate in Telecommunications GSM (Projects) Communications, Operations, and Service Delivery & Assurance in leading organizations globally. Having led organizations in Southeast Asia and Western African telecom infrastructure development for GSM rollout projects and operations.


Globacom and Services

Globacom is the second-largest MNO in western Africa (Nigeria), the Benin Republic, and Ghana but is focused in Nigeria now for 2, 3, and 4G projects and operations. The company offers voice and data services across Nigeria and owns its own submarine cables and landing stations for providing Internet to both enterprise customers and large and small SME’s. The company is a complete end-to-end solution provider for IBS and FTTX. The company has a massive layout of fiber in the country with complete redundancy. The company has generated enormous employment and business opportunities for the indigenous population while also welcoming the Indians from the telecom industry and also from the Indian Army. Dr. Col Akash Ghosh is currently working as the CTO for infrastructure rollout and its operations and is part of the Management Committee of the organization.

Dr. Col Akash Ghosh with his multi-cultural team

Globacom, an indigenous African organization, benefits from his expertise as a strategic planner. He possesses the skills to relate issues to the local context and ensure that strategies align with the culture and ethics of the society where the company operates. This enables the effective execution of tactical actions and processes, easily adopted by various ethnic and cultural groups, maximizing operations for business and aligning with the organization's vision. The company recognizes the importance of integrating new employees into its organizational ethics, tailored to the country, region, and company. Unlike Indian or Western companies, the company understands that a one-size-fits-all approach won't work in its context, requiring adaptability to local culture, tribal organization, and community issues - a challenge that many foreign companies face in regional operations, but one that the company navigates successfully.


Professional Expertise 

 Dr. Col Akash Ghosh'sinitial Army days with Lt Gen Hanut Singh, MVC

His professional expertise stems from his training in the Army and extensive experience staying with troops. Most of his time in the Indian Army was spent with various units, where he gained hands-on experience. He gained hands-on experience on all types of telecom equipment by planning and executing telecom engineering designs during actual operations and various exercises. This experience gave him the confidence to carry out innovations in both project planning and execution and operations and also encouraged him to adopt an out-of-the-box approach, which has been his unique selling proposition (USP) in his corporate journey.

He carefully plans leading both fresh and experienced teams, encouraging new members to learn and develop interest in their work, while also prioritizing the growth of experienced members within the organization. As experienced members may soon find their tasks monotonous, he continually devises methodologies to align HR growth with business growth. Additionally, he always maintains contingency plans, known as plans B and C, which can be launched at any time to address weaknesses in projects or operations. This strategic approach was learned during his 21 years and 11 months of service in the Army, where he developed strong leadership skills.

After leaving the Army, he began his corporate journey with TULIP Telecoms as a regional project manager, overseeing enterprise customers. In this role, he learned the intricacies of customer management and the challenges of delivering stable bandwidth. He proactively planned ahead of sales to ensure a steady supply of bandwidth for customers, a daunting task given the luxury status of internet at the time, with 10 MBPS being sold at 1 lakh. Through this experience, he discovered that building connections with various levels within the organization was crucial to achieving his goals seamlessly.

He was then promoted to Regional Head of Operations and Project, where he gained experience in Presales, Service Delivery, and Assurance. He subsequently seized an opportunity to roll out the last 2G Greenfield Project for Idea Cellular in J&K as Project Manager at Ericsson. His prior experience at Tulip gave him an edge in customer communications and setting customer expectations, which proved crucial in successfully rolling out the project with positivity and team spirit. He treated the Idea Cellular team as an integral part of his team, and after the project, he oversaw almost all Ericsson circles in North for Idea, where the challenges were greater and expectations higher. By focusing on processes, precise planning and execution, and extensive travel for face-to-face meetings, he ensured that customer expectations were met, instilling a sense of ownership among customers. This key learning has stayed with him, influencing his approach as COO of a tower company in Myanmar (Burma) and Nigeria since 2011.


Awards and Recognitions

He was awarded the Best Customer Project Manager while at Ericsson and has maintained strong relationships with the current Ericsson India team. He attributes the recognition received from customers and Ericsson management to his team, including those who worked alongside him on the ground and those who provided support from the back end, as well as the customers who consistently supported them due to the strong bond they built together.


Advice to the Young Generation

His advice to the new generation is that they should be focused and manage their time while they should plan in detail before execution of any project and that a detailed communication plan must be shared with the customer and adhered to at whatever cost. This encourages and instills bonding with the organization's delivery team. While processes must be adhered to. According to him, one should also keep on upgrading the industry skills regularly and keep themselves abreast with the latest developments and innovations in the industry. Identifying risks is key to both projects and operations; one has to keep updating the risk registers. This will help the technology project and operations managers to constantly be ahead of the assignments. This is a key quality of the leader. As a leader, one must take a decision rather than taking no decision and this will help them to gain confidence with the team and they look at him who leads them. He added that while we should be constantly bonding with our immediate team members, this results in an “achieving team.” One should always be mentally alert to catch any unspoken indications around as a leader; this will help them to align better and connect better with everyone.

He strongly recommends that one should read for at least an hour daily, making it a habit, and engage in team games and hobbies to help destress from demanding work schedules. He also suggests participating in team-building activities that connect with nature, such as biking, trekking, or camping. He emphasizes that there is more to life than just corporate life and that a healthy mind and body are essential for one's team. Lastly, he stresses the importance of being passionate about whatever one does with a positive mindset.


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