Dr. Nitin Chopra, Founder - The Mug Talks, Managing Director - Poetry World Org

Could you provide an introduction of yourself to our audience?
I’m Dr. Nitin Chopra, and I’ve had the privilege of pursuing a career that combines my passion for medicine and literature. My journey began at the Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv, where I trained to become a family doctor. In this role, I’ve been honored to provide care and support to my patients, a responsibility I cherish deeply.
Alongside my medical career, I’ve always been drawn to the world of writing and storytelling. One of my proudest achievements is my book, The Life of Tolka (coauthored with Niveditha Preeth), which resonated with many readers and became a bestseller thanks to their overwhelming support and love. This experience underscored for me the profound impact that stories can have on people’s lives.
In addition to writing myself, in Poetry World we support and empower fellow writers, helping them share their voices and stories with the world. This venture, along with founding The Mug Talks (A podcast cum Talent show venture), has allowed me to create platforms where diverse perspectives can be heard and celebrated. At The Mug Talks, I am fortunate to work alongside my talented co-founders, Mankarn Singh and Ayushi Keshri, whose insights and dedication have been instrumental in our journey.
While I have been fortunate to reach several milestones in my journey, I view myself as a lifelong learner, always striving to make a positive and meaningful impact through my work and collaborations.

About The Mug Talks, and its services
The Mug Talks is more than just a podcast platform with various new subdivisions like Mug Theory, Mug Research, Mug Show, and Mug Events; it’s a sanctuary for stories, ideas, and voices that deserve to be heard. Co-founded with the brilliant minds of Mankarn Singh and Ayushi Keshri, The Mug Talks aims to bring diverse perspectives to the forefront. We offer a range of services, from engaging podcast episodes featuring experts and influencers to collaborations and sponsorships that amplify brands. Our platform is a space where conversations flow as freely as coffee, creating connections and fostering understanding.

What motivated you to start The Mug Talks, and what is the core mission of the organization?
The seeds for The Mug Talks were sown in my childhood, listening to the captivating stories of my grandfathers, Dr. Charanjeet Lal Malhotra and Sh. Shankar Lal Chopra. They both hail from Pakistan and came to India during the partition. Their tales of resilience, hardship, and hope were more than just stories; they were lessons in history, humanity, and perseverance. I cherished those moments, and their stories profoundly shaped my understanding of the world. I later wrote about their experiences in my book, The Life of Tolka.
However, as I grew older, I realized that not everyone has the opportunity or takes the time to sit and listen to the wisdom of our elders. The vast knowledge and experiences they hold are often left untapped, gradually fading away. This realization became a driving force behind my desire to create a platform where such voices could be heard and preserved.
The second spark came during a poignant encounter at a retirement home near Toronto. I met a gentleman from Scotland who shared his experiences from World War II. As he spoke, I found myself utterly absorbed in his stories, losing track of time. After three hours, he began to cry and said, “May God bless you, Nitin. Even my kids or grandkids never showed that much interest in me and heard my stories.” His words moved me deeply, reinforcing the belief that every individual carries a unique legacy that deserves to be heard and honored.
These experiences inspired me to start The Mug Talks. I wanted to create a space where stories, especially those of our elders, could be shared, celebrated, and preserved. The core mission of The Mug Talks is to give a voice to those stories, bridging generations and fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the legacies that shape us.

Could you share your professional journey, highlighting key milestones and achievements?
My professional journey has been a blend of medicine, literature, and entrepreneurship. Graduating from the prestigious National Medical University ‘O.O. Bogomolets’ in Kyiv was a significant milestone, marking the beginning of my career as a family doctor. I take pride in saying that I come from a university where Betz cells were discovered, where FavstShkaravsky studied and did an Autopsy of Adolf Hitler. The release of my bestselling book, ‘The Life of Tolka,’ was another highlight, allowing me to reach readers worldwide. Founding The Mug Talks and Poetry World has been both a challenge and a triumph, enabling me to merge my love for storytelling and community-building. Each step has been a testament to my belief in the power of words and the impact of compassionate care.

What are your current roles and responsibilities across your various professional engagements?
Currently, I manage a multifaceted career that spans across several domains. As the Managing Director of The Mug Talks, I host podcasts and oversee content creation, strategic partnerships, and community engagement. My role at Poetry World involves curating and promoting literary works that resonate with a global audience. In my capacity as a family doctor, I have continued my medical research journey. Balancing these roles requires dedication and passion, and I am committed to making a positive impact through my small steps.

What are your notable works and areas of expertise that have driven your success as an author, poet, and multi-field achiever?
My journey as an author and poet has been deeply fulfilling, with works like ‘The Life of Tolka’ resonating with readers across the globe. My poetry often explores themes of love, resilience, and the human spirit, aiming to touch hearts and provoke thought. In the entrepreneurial realm, founding The Mug Talks and Poetry World has allowed me to channel my creativity into platforms that celebrate voices and stories. My expertise lies in bridging the gap between different fields, using my medical background to inform my writing and literary skills to enhance my entrepreneurial ventures.
What advice would you offer to young entrepreneurs aspiring to start their own business?
To young entrepreneurs, I offer this advice: embrace your passions and let them guide your journey. Every successful venture starts with a spark of inspiration, but it’s the perseverance and dedication that turn dreams into reality. Don’t be afraid to take risks and learn from failures – each setback is a stepping stone to growth. Surround yourself with a supportive network and seek mentors who can offer guidance and wisdom. Most importantly, stay true to your values and mission, for they will be the compass that directs your path. Remember, the journey of entrepreneurship is not just about reaching a destination but about growing and evolving along the way.

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