Mohammed Idrish

Mohammed Idrish, Founder, Director, Magiccann India LLP

Mohammed Idrish is the founder and director of Magiccann India LLP. He is a software developer with a background of working in the IT industry since 2018, with a total experience of 3 years in the field.

Magiccann and Services

Magiccann is a company focused on bringing out natural, ayurvedic, and wellness products or medicines that can impact human lives.


Mohammed Idrish was inspired to explore CBD and cannabis-based medicines when his father showed significant improvement in his diabetes and other symptoms after using CBD oil in 2018. He also experienced personal benefits from using CBD oil to manage work-related stress. Recognizing the limited access to these beneficial medicines, he launched an Instagram page to spread awareness, which ultimately grew into a business venture.


One of his major achievements with Magiccann is successfully obtaining all necessary licenses and clearances for the company. He also effectively managed to clear a significant amount of bad debt and is on track to overcoming all obstacles, achieving expected sales volumes without relying on external investment. Furthermore, under his leadership, Magiccann has established a physical Ayurvedic clinic in his hometown, which has been operational for over a year.

Roles as a Founder and Managing Director

Mohammed Idrish reflects on the past five years as a wonderful journey, filled with valuable learning experiences and encounters with fascinating individuals across India. He has travelled extensively, visiting numerous cities and villages, which has broadened his understanding beyond business. Apart from being a business owner, he enjoys writing, travelling, studying economics, working out, and exploring new entrepreneurial ventures. As a founder, he believes that effective time and people management are crucial, requiring a delicate balance between personal peace and constant availability. Fortunately, he is supported by a capable team that takes initiative and delivers results, aligning with his expectations and values.


Mohammed Idrish's near-to-long-term goals include expanding Magiccann's reach to a large audience and achieving a milestone of 1 lakh orders per month for CBD and medical cannabis products in India. Looking ahead to the next 5 to 10 years, he envisions serving and reaching an even broader population with natural medications, extending beyond cannabis to other alternatives.


When he started with Magiccann, another cannabis company founder shared words of wisdom with him, saying, "You need courage to be in this business." Mohammed Idrish echoes the same sentiment, stating that one needs to have courage to be in this industry.


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