Nikita Gala

Nikita Gala, Owner, Kranath Kreations, Co-founder, Lyvefresh, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Nikita got her post-graduation in computer science and became a teacher of programming. But with a family background of garment industry Nikita always had a passion for garments as she perused her education in textile during late 90’s.  She always had a vision to become an entrepreneur in the same field, so started her career by working in garment manufacturing and trading companies to explore more about garment business in early 20’s.

About Kranath Kreations and the unique services it offers

Kranath Kreations have focused on manufacturing school uniforms during its inception before expanding the wings for manufacturing uniforms for other corporates in various sectors. Manufacturing a uniform is a specialized service which includes designing of uniform, fabric selection, manufacturing with accurate fittings and distribution of uniforms to the user. It is a 360-degree service which was developed by Kranath since the inception. While providing the above services, the most important factor is timely delivery for which Kranath started getting recognized.

Inspiration Behind Kranath Kreations - Weaving Passion into Textiles

After working for more than a decade in garment industry with various MNC’s which was also a learning process for business of garment and with the passion for it, Nikita finally planned to start Kranath Kreations 2009. Nikita believed that, manufacturing a uniform is like creating an identity for others which inspired her to start Kranath Kreations. Gaining the experience in fashion industry she understands the choice of every customer along with the style and fabric.

Roles and Responsibilities at Kranath Kreations and Lyvefresh?

Being an owner of Kranath Kreations, Nikita manages the business-like a pro since the inception starting from procurement to marketing to execution with a team of professionals in each department. Nikita mainly focuses on networking with clients and building a relation to grow the business as she considers every client as a growth partner.

Professional Journey & Key Milestones in the Textile Industry

Lyvefresh was born out of her passion after being into garment manufacturing for around 20 years. While she was running Kranath Kreations and provided her services across all the categories of clients from different industries, now she thought for building India’s 1st brand of customized uniforms,which was like a dream come true while starting Lyvefresh. She started manufacturing school uniforms in 2009 that’s where i saw the smile on the face of every child which gave her a kick by creating an identity for a child. While the children’s feel prestigious wearing a uniform and Nikita felt that shehas helped them to create their identity at a young age. This was the thought behind starting Lyvefresh.

It was the time in 2021 when she felt that it was the need of an hour to start Lyvefresh as a brand which can focus on quality / innovation and new designs to create identity of people.

Core Expertise Driving Kranath Kreations' Success

Manufacturing a garment is not easy which everyone can do easily as it requires immense expertise and knowledge of the subject. Nikita had a family background of garment while her father owned a fashion garment shop in Mumbai where she uses to see the designs since her child hood. Taking education about the garment helped her to know more about the fabrics. And working with MNC’s she learned the business of garment. Combining all the expertise which she gathered since her child hood related to garments, helped her a lot to make Kranath Kreations reach the heights of success and Lyvefresh will be positioned in the market as 1st Indian Brand for customized uniforms.

Advice for Aspiring Textile Entrepreneurs

Nikita believes that being an entrepreneur is a tuff job, but if you are passionate about your goals and willing to handle the pressure being an entrepreneur then it becomes easy. Start believing that selling a product or service is not enough but to get recognized by your happy clients is a success.

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