Nishant Kaushik

Could you introduce yourself to our audience?


Hello, I'm Nishant Kaushik, the Founder and Managing Director of Joenish Tech Pvt Ltd. My journey in the tech world began with a solid foundation in software development, and I specialize in custom software solutions tailored to meet specific business needs. Over the past nine years, I've honed my skills and expertise, beginning my career in 2015 as a trainee software engineer with Prolific Corporation Limited in Hyderabad. 


I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Chitkara University, Baddi. Driven by a passion for technology and entrepreneurship, I launched my own venture after accumulating 3.5 years of professional experience. The journey has been both challenging and rewarding, and I continue to thrive in my role, embracing the responsibilities and opportunities it brings. 


My background is rooted in a middle-class family; my mother is a government employee, and my father, now retired, worked as a draftsman in civil engineering. From the age of 17, I aspired to start my own business, meticulously planning my career to acquire the skills necessary to establish a tech company. This foresight and determination have been pivotal in my entrepreneurial journey. 


On the personal front, I am blessed with a supportive family. My wife, a dedicated dentist, has been instrumental in my journey, providing both emotional and financial support during challenging times. Together, we are raising our daughter, who will turn four this year, adding joy and purpose to our lives. 



Could you tell us more about your ventures and the services it offer?


At Joenish Tech, we excel in crafting a diverse array of applications across various domains, including Property Management, E-commerce, Banking, Healthcare, Logistics, Retail, Dynamic Form Generators, Dating Apps, and Aviation Software, among others. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the successful delivery of over 50 projects for a wide range of clients, showcasing our expertise and dedication in custom software development. 


We see ourselves as a bridge between traditional legacy systems and the latest technological advancements. At Joenish Tech, we integrate both established technologies such as VB.NET and ASP.NET, as well as cutting-edge solutions like .NET Core, which is increasingly in demand. Our team of full-stack developers is proficient in modern front-end technologies and frameworks, including Angular, React, NEXT.js, and NUXT.js. 


In addition to our development work, we are passionate about nurturing the next generation of software professionals. We offer internships and mentorship programs to aspiring developers, providing them with hands-on training in Full Stack Development and Cloud Technologies. To date, we have trained over 150 trainees, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions at major tech firms such as Infosys and Capgemini. 


As an educator, I take immense pride in seeing my trainees thrive and excel in their careers, making meaningful impacts in the tech industry. 


What motivated you to become an entrepreneur and start your own businesses?


Growing up in a middle-class family, I quickly learned the undeniable impact of money on everyone’s life. From the age of 17, I was determined to carve my own path and start a venture, driven by the belief that financial independence was the key to unlocking my dreams. However, there was one persistent hurdle: capital. Every business idea I entertained seemed to hit a wall because of the initial threshold amount needed to get started. 


Despite these obstacles, my passion for entrepreneurship never waned. During my college years, I took a step toward my dreams by registering a small firm named Tag Traumen Solutions. "Tag Traumen," which means "Daydream" in German, perfectly captured the essence of what I was doing at 17. I was in the midst of my daydreams, with business cards in hand, eagerly distributing them and sharing my vision with anyone who would listen. 


At that time, I was bursting with confidence. I believed I could build websites, create projects, and manage everything single-handedly. I even developed basic inventory management software and crafted a custom solution for a firm in Panchkula, selling it for 35,000 Indian Rupees. That sale gave me an incredible rush of adrenaline and confidence, proving to me that I could turn my ideas into reality. 


However, as I dived deeper into the world of technology, I realized that I lacked the advanced skills necessary to develop large-scale applications—an essential requirement for my long-term goals. I knew I needed to gain more experience and knowledge to truly succeed. 


Fortuitously, I landed a job through a college placement, which took me to Hyderabad. It was there that I began to understand the complexities of large-scale applications and how major companies orchestrated their software development. Over the next few years, I switched between three different companies, each time learning more about the software industry and its various facets—from hiring and quality assurance to development and sales. 


My journey through these roles, which culminated in a position as a Team Lead, was invaluable. I gained insights into how each aspect of the industry interconnects and contributes to the overall success of a business. After accumulating 3.5 years of experience and knowledge, I felt ready to take the plunge and start my own venture. 


At 25, I registered Joenish Tech Pvt Ltd, a name derived from a blend of "Joe" (my wife’s nickname) and "Nish" (my own). It was a modest beginning—an office space of just 50 square feet, costing me 5,000 Indian Rupees a month, with only one computer that doubled as my workspace and bedroom. 


The early years were challenging, but they were also immensely rewarding. As I worked tirelessly to build my company, I learned and grew in ways I had never imagined. Today, after five years of dedication and hard work, I’m still driven by the pursuit of scaling my business further. My next milestone is to expand Joenish Tech Pvt Ltd to a team of 100 employees, a goal that fuels my motivation and keeps my entrepreneurial spirit alive. 


What are your current roles and responsibilities across your various endeavours?


In my current role, I am entrusted with several critical responsibilities. Primarily, I focus on driving business growth for our organization, ensuring that we consistently deliver high-quality work as a cohesive team. It is essential to align our efforts with evolving market demands, particularly as technology advances and the landscape shifts toward AI and cloud computing. 


Additionally, I dedicate time to career counseling for newcomers. I am passionate about guiding them through the formative 15 years of their careers, from ages 22 to 35. My goal is to inspire and motivate them to excel, so they can build a stable and rewarding career that offers both financial stability and personal satisfaction. 


Could you walk us through your professional journey, highlighting some of your key achievements?


My professional journey has been anything but conventional or ideal, defying the typical expectations many have for their careers. Most people envision a stable job with a handsome salary, a great office environment, and a location conveniently close to home. My path, however, was a bit different. 


I began my career in 2015 at Prolifics Corporation Limited in Hyderabad as a trainee software engineer. It was a significant organization with around 1,800 employees worldwide, and I felt fortunate to be there. My start was slow since my role required expertise in .NET technologies, whereas my background was primarily in Java. Despite this, I quickly adapted, leveraging my solid foundation in Java and my prior experience selling software during college. I worked tirelessly, often putting in extra hours without complaint during my training and probation period. It was during this time that I gained my first real exposure to ASP.NET Web Forms and began to connect the dots in a large application. 


Due to some family circumstances, I had to leave Prolifics and return to my hometown, Chandigarh. I joined Sumati Legal Services as a software engineer, but the role did not offer the learning opportunities I was seeking. So, I transitioned to Techbit Solutions Pvt Ltd, a smaller company with just 25 employees. There, I started as a senior software engineer and was promoted to team lead within a year. Managing a team of five, I learned valuable lessons in leadership and project management. Mr. Gaurav Rai, a supportive mentor, played a crucial role in helping me explore my potential. 


Despite earning a salary of around 55,000 INR, the cost of living in Chandigarh with my family was high. To supplement my income, I took on part-time coaching, teaching Big Data Hadoop. My schedule was relentless: I would wake up at 4:30 am to conduct a morning batch from 5 to 8 am, then head to my day job from 10 am to 7 pm, and return for a night batch from 9 to 11 pm. On weekends, I taught two additional batches. The demanding routine was exhausting, but it was necessary to manage my expenses. 


Eventually, I made a life-changing decision to leave my job and quit coaching to focus on my dream project, Joenish Tech Pvt Ltd. With financial support from my wife, who had started her own clinic and was earning as much as I had been from my job and coaching combined, I took the plunge. Miraculously, within just 12 days of quitting, I landed my first project on Upwork as a freelancer—earning more than my previous job and coaching combined. It felt like a sign from above. 


Since then, I’ve been able to deliver projects successfully and attract new ones, thanks to the timely help I received and the relentless effort I invested in pursuing my dreams.


What are your key areas of expertise, and how have they helped in the success of your businesses?


One of my key areas of expertise lies in problem-solving—a skill that has been honed through countless challenges over the past nine years across various projects. I’ve learned to dive deep into the root causes of problems, eschewing quick fixes in favor of understanding the underlying issues thoroughly. This approach has been invaluable, shaping both my personal and professional life and fostering my ability to work independently. 


When you venture out on your own, you quickly realize that the buck stops with you. In the early days of starting a business, there’s no one to turn to for guidance or support; it’s solely your responsibility to ensure the quality of work and navigate the relentless demands of the competitive world. Each day becomes a test of survival, especially in a service-based startup where every task—whether hiring, development, training, or motivation—falls on your shoulders. 


For the first few years, relaxation is a luxury you can't afford. It’s akin to sailing a boat single-handedly, where you must manage every aspect of the journey yourself. Securing new projects may showcase your expertise to potential clients, but attracting new employees is far more challenging. In India, experienced professionals often shy away from joining a startup where one person is expected to be both the captain and the sole sailor. 


Thus, patience becomes another critical area of expertise. Navigating the complexities of building a team and running a business requires not just skill and determination but the ability to persist through the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship. 



What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business? 


The advice I want to share isn’t rooted in any niche or specialized knowledge, but rather in a fundamental principle: believing in yourself. If you are determined to achieve your goals, you can accomplish anything in this world. Don’t let past setbacks or negative experiences deter you from pursuing your dreams. 


Jack Ma once said, “Success comes with experience, and experience comes with bad experiences.” It’s a powerful reminder that everyone who has succeeded has faced challenges and failures along the way. While many people desire success, few are prepared to embrace the difficulties that come with it. 


So, take heart and stay focused on your dreams. Embrace the journey, with all its ups and downs, and remember that every challenge is a step towards your ultimate goal. Best of luck on your journey, and thank you for taking the time to read this. 


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