Prof. Neeraj Verma

Prof. Neeraj Verma, Director, Hygia College of Pharmacy      
I am Prof. Neeraj Verma. My journey in the field of pharmacy began with a fascination for molecules—the tiny building blocks that hold immense power to heal or alleviate suffering. As a curious student, I delved into the intricacies of drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic outcomes. Little did I know that this initial curiosity would shape my entire career. So, when I introduce myself, I carry my name and the passion that fuels my work.
Educational and Professional Journey
A young Neeraj huddled over textbooks, scribbling notes, and occasionally staring out the window, lost in thought. That was me during my Master’s in Pharmacy—a time of intense learning and discovery. But during my Ph.D. in pharmacology, I truly spread my academic wings. My research focused on unraveling the mysteries of drug metabolism pathways, and I spent countless hours in the lab, pipetting solutions and analyzing data. Those late nights were both grueling and exhilarating. Fast forward to conferences and symposia—I stood before esteemed researchers, presenting my findings, heart pounding. These experiences shaped not only my knowledge but also my resilience. And now, as I reflect on my journey, I see it as a series of interconnected chapters—a story of growth, setbacks, and triumphs.
Roles as Director
Imagine a bustling campus—the air filled with the scent of freshly printed notes and the excited chatter of students. As the director of Hygia College of Pharmacy, I wear many hats. First and foremost, I’m a mentor. I guide our faculty members, encouraging innovative teaching methods and fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity. Then there’s the administrative side—budget meetings, curriculum planning, and ensuring that the college runs like a well-oiled machine. But what are my favorite moments? Those happen during interactions with students. Whether it’s discussing career paths, celebrating their research achievements, or simply sharing a cup of chai in the courtyard, these connections remind me why I chose education as my path.
Areas of Expertise
Pharmacology—the science of how drugs interact with living organisms—is my playground. Within this vast field, I specialize in clinical pharmacy and drug repurposing. Clinical pharmacy isn’t just about dispensing medications; it’s about optimizing therapy, preventing adverse effects, and ensuring patient safety. And then there’s drug repurposing—an area close to my heart. Imagine a forgotten drug, sitting on a dusty shelf, waiting for its second chance. I explore these hidden gems, investigating whether they could treat conditions beyond their original intent. It’s like matchmaking for molecules! The thrill lies in uncovering unexpected connections and potentially transforming lives.
Inspiration for Education
Ah, the spark that ignited my passion for teaching! It wasn’t a lightning bolt; it was a gradual realization. During my own student days, I had remarkable teachers—those who didn’t just teach facts but kindled curiosity. They made complex concepts relatable, and suddenly, pharmacology wasn’t just about mechanisms; it was about real patients and their stories. That’s the magic of education—to bridge theory and practice, to inspire the next generation. So, when I stepped into the classroom as a lecturer, I carried their legacy. And when a student’s eyes light up after grasping a tricky concept, I know I’m part of something bigger—a chain of knowledge passed down through generations.
Staying Updated
Imagine my bookshelf—it’s not just dusty old tomes! Journals, research papers, and e-books jostle for space. Staying updated is non-negotiable. I devour scientific literature like a foodie at a buffet. Conferences? I attend them virtually or in person, armed with a notebook and a curious mind. And let’s not forget the coffee-fueled discussions with fellow educators. We dissect pedagogical theories, debate assessment methods, and occasionally share hilarious classroom anecdotes. It’s like a secret society—the “Edu-Enthusiasts Club.” Plus, I follow thought leaders on social media; their insights keep me on my toes. Education evolves, and so must we.
Advice for Pharmacy Students
To all the aspiring pharmacists out there, listen up! First, be sponge-like—absorb knowledge from every source. Second, hone your communication skills. You’ll interact with patients, colleagues, and maybe even policymakers. Clear, empathetic communication is your superpower. Third, embrace change. The pharmacy landscape shifts—new drugs, technologies, and regulations. Adaptability is key. Finally, remember why you chose this path. It’s not just about pills and prescriptions; it’s about making a difference—one patient at a time. So, go forth, future pharmacists, armed with curiosity and compassion.

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