Ravi Nair

He is a Guinness World Record Holder, Bestselling Author, and recipient of the prestigious “Franklin Award,” named in honour of Sir Benjamin Franklin—the Founding Father of America. His talents extend beyond the boardroom; his rap song earned a Bronze Medal at "The Global Music Awards".


Over the past decade, his Leadership Training Programs, motivational videos, and blogs have positively impacted more than 50 million lives. In recognition of his influence, LinkedIn honoured him as a ‘Top Voice for Life Coaching and Mentoring.’


We are thrilled to bring you this interview with the remarkably talented and multifaceted leader and entrepreneur - Ravi Nair, widely known as “The Success Frequency Coach.” In this interview, he reveals how elevating his frequency led him to attract abundance and success in his life.

Could you share a brief overview of your professional journey and how it has shaped your evolution into a successful Trainer/Coach and entrepreneur?


I began my professional journey with the United States Government, where I dedicated 14 years of service before transitioning into leadership roles in the private sector for another 16 years. Over these three decades, I had the privilege of traveling across the globe and working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and various walks of life.


During my time in the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2014, I discovered my passion for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), which ignited my journey to learn, understand, and master the science of emotions. This path led me to further explore Reiki, energy healing, and meditation.

Additionally, my annual pilgrimage to the Sabarimala temple for the past 24 years has been instrumental in shaping my life and guiding my ongoing journey towards ultimate consciousness—a journey that remains a work-in-progress.

Could you share insights about your venture -Rich Minds, and the journey that led you to become known as the "Success Frequency Coach"?

The core philosophy of my workshop is - "Everything in the Universe is energy, and energy has a frequency, which in turn creates form."


Essentially, whatever "form" your life currently takes—whether you're rich or poor, healthy or ill, in a good or bad relationship, or navigating an average or exceptional career—it's all a result of the frequency at which you are vibrating. Your frequency dictates your reality and, ultimately, your destiny.

Consider this: wherever you are right now—whether in your office, car, or on the street—frequencies from FM or other radio channels are all around you. You can't see them, but they exist. All you need to do is tune your radio to the correct frequency, and you'll hear your desired song.


Similarly, the frequencies of abundance—whether in money, relationships, health, or career—are all around you. If you vibrate at the right frequency, you'll attract these things into your life. The key is that you don’t have to create abundance; it already exists. You simply need to vibrate at the right frequency to attract it.


Now, when you make statements like: "I am unlucky," "I am unfortunate," "I will never be rich."


Guess what happens?


You vibrate at a frequency below 150 Hz, attracting people and situations that resonate at similarly low frequencies—ultimately leading to more misfortune and hardship.

If you find yourself in a prolonged period of struggle, where hard work isn't yielding the desired results, it’s likely because you’re operating at a low frequency. Until you consciously work to elevate that frequency, your life may continue to follow the same challenging path.


This is exactly what I help people achieve in ‘The Millionaire Mindset Frequency Workshop.’ In the corporate world, this workshop is popular as ‘The Dynamic Leadership Frequency Workshop,’ offering the same transformative principles tailored for leadership and professional development.


What makes this workshop stand out is its unique integration of psychology, science, and spirituality, which produces groundbreaking results. This distinctive approach has made it one of my most sought-after programs among corporations and entrepreneurs alike.


I named my venture "Rich Minds" to reflect its mission of helping individuals consistently and continuously vibrate at a positive and high frequency.

"I witnessed Ravi seamlessly blend science, spirituality, and psychology in his Millionaires Mind Frequency Workshop, and it was truly captivating.


Whether it's releasing limiting money energy blocks to attract abundance, achieving breakthroughs in relationships, or transitioning from illness to wellness, this master workshop encompasses it all.”

Dr. Ravi Margasahayam – Global Ambassador at NASA

(The man who sent 700 human beings to space.)

Could you share further insights into the workshops you conduct and how someone interested in attending might go about doing so?


I have had the honour of collaborating with both corporate and retail clients, including renowned brands such as Godrej Agrovet Limited, Aditya Birla Group, Shoppers Stop, the American Consulate General, KD Logistics, Apar Industries, Bayer, TVS Credit, Motilal Oswal, and Huntsman Corporation, among many others. A significant milestone was achieved in March 2024, when we successfully delivered our 150th workshop.


(Note: Please click on the link below to view videos from live training for the brands mentioned above - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0uoVallC5Q&list=PLyhk2y3YhNd6hM7g9-Qs3GA-VVFhv-QSd)


I also conduct online workshops for my retail clients. So, individuals who want to elevate their frequency and attract abundance can always attend my workshop. They will find details of the same on my website, www.ravinair.live or they can also write to me at ravi.nair@therichminds.club.


What inspired you to write your Amazon-bestselling book Weekend Miracle? Additionally, could you share some of the key insights from the book that have particularly resonated with your readers?


Weekend Miracle delves into the often-overlooked power of the subconscious mind—a topic that, unfortunately, is typically discussed only at a surface level. The subconscious mind is the silent driver of our daily actions and behaviours, shaping much of who we are.

What’s truly fascinating is that the subconscious mind is active even before we are born, starting from the time a baby is in the mother’s womb. This means most of our beliefs, behaviours, and values are already deeply embedded in our subconsciousmind between the ages of zero to eight years.


When I delved deeper into this remarkable science, I felt compelled to write a book that would make these complex concepts easy to understand and apply. My objective was clear: I wanted to create a book that would serve not just as a read but also as a practical user manual for life.


I knew I had achieved this goal when I received a testimonial from Shri Aravind Jatti, the son of the former Vice-President of India, affirming the impact of my work.



Could you share some details about the awards you've received, like how you made it into the Guinness World Records and a bit about the Benjamin Franklin Award?


I admit that besides the efforts, I did apply the techniques of manifestation which I also teach in my workshops, which helped me to constantly vibrate at a high frequency. As a result, I was able to attract and manifest amazing things in my life.


In regard to the Guinness World Record, I've always had a passion for running and have completed nearly 60 half marathons, including an Ultra-Marathon, the successful completion of which got my name into the Guinness World Record.


The Benjamin Franklin Award was presented to me in recognition of my exceptional performance for spearheading the logistics for the then President of the United States - Bill Clinton, during his visit to India in March 2000.


The entire visit required meticulous planning and seamless coordination with numerous government agencies on both sides. In the U.S., this included the Secret Service, FBI, White House Communications Team, and the President’s personal security detail. In India, it involved collaborating with various agencies such as the Police, Intelligence, Customs, and other key departments. The complexity of managing these diverse agencies and ensuring a secure and well-organized visit was a significant achievement.


What advice would you want to give individuals who want to transform their lives and businesses, and make a tangible impact?


My sincere advice to future leaders is to base your goals on your CAPACITY rather than your current CAPABILITY. Many people set their ambitions according to what they believe they can do right now. For example, if asked whether you can fly a plane, speak Chinese, or cook various cuisines, you would likely say "no" based on your current skills.

However, with proper training and practice, you could become a skilled pilot, learn Chinese, or master new cuisines. This demonstrates that while our capabilities are limited by our current skills, our capacity for growth is limitless. Yet, many set goals based on their present capabilities, which confines their potential.


Reflect on past achievements, and you’ll often find that you set goals within your perceived capabilities. Your mind tends to restrict goals to what you think is achievable, preventing you from exploring your full capacity. Overcoming these mental limitations is crucial, which is why reprogramming your mind is essential.


Visualization is one effective technique for this. By picturing your future self and the success you envision, you align your mind with the pleasure of achieving these goals. Regular visualization helps your mind see the pleasure in the future you are creating, motivating you to pursue it.


So, for anyone daring to dream big and achieve greatness, focus on your capacity rather than your current capabilities.


Note for our readers:

If you like to know more about Mr. Ravi Nair or his life transformational programs, you can either visit his website: www.ravinair.live or write to him at ravi.nair@therichminds.club.


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