Prof. (Dr.) Akriti Singh, Dean Students’ Welfare, AAFT


Hello, I’m Prof. (Dr.) Akriti Singh, and I’ve always believed in the power of determination and kindness to make the world a better place. My focus is sharp, and while I strive for excellence in everything I do, I remain deeply committed to humility and politeness. I cherish the connections I make and take every opportunity to extend generosity and help wherever it’s needed.


Kindness is a cornerstone of my approach to life. When mentoring young minds or engaging in youth development, I believe that small acts of compassion can have a profound impact. My commitment to nurturing the next generation parallels my dedication to my work. Guiding young people and inspiring them to reach their fullest potential is a privilege I hold dear.


As a leader, I prioritize empathy and integrity. I listen actively, encourage collaboration, and strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. For me, leadership isn’t just about directing others—it’s about serving them and empowering them to become leaders themselves. My approach to life is both thoughtful and strategic, always aiming for positive, sustainable change.


Continuous learning and personal growth are central to my journey. I constantly seek new knowledge and skills, ensuring I remain at the forefront of my field while staying true to my core values. My work is driven by a vision of a more compassionate, equitable world, and I am steadfast in my mission to contribute meaningfully to society.


In every role I undertake, I strive to embody the essence of a true leader—focused, humble, and dedicated to making a lasting impact. My life’s journey is a testament to the belief that with determination, kindness, and effective leadership, we can indeed make the world a better place for everyone.



Could you tell us about your educational and professional journey?


With nearly two decades of multi-dimensional work experience, my professional path has been a blend of dedication, innovation, and a passion for setting up a benchmark and henceforth making a difference.


My educational journey began with a strong foundation, earning my NET qualification and achieving the distinction of being a Gold Medalist in my Ph.D. in Food Technology after completing 16 course works. My research gave me an opportunity to collaborate with Copenhagen University, Denmark, where I contributed with my work on the promising field of nanotechnology in food technology. I also served as a key researcher for the APEDA Project under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. My contributions to this project received special recognition from IIT Kharagpur and further solidified my commitment to advancing food technology in India. These research collaborations were pivotal experiences, allowing me to contribute to cutting-edge research that holds great potential for the future.


My corporate career began with Adayana Indianapolis, where I facilitated programs like MAPP and WAP. These initiatives were designed to help students explore their potential fully. My academic efforts were recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) with an award for my academic contributions. As the youngest member-at-large of the AOAC India Section, I proudly represented our nation and contributed to the field of analytical chemistry. My work with FSSAI further expanded my expertise and influence in food safety and standards.


Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to achieve significant milestones, including holding one patent and publishing 19 papers in national and international journals. My dedication to continuous learning is reflected in the certifications I’ve earned from esteemed institutions such as BHU, IITs, IIMs, AFSTI, CIAE, IHMs, and AOAC International. These accomplishments were honored with a National Award from ICAR-CIAE, recognizing my contributions to food technology.


In addition to my professional achievements in the different capacities as Head and Dean at many reputed Universities and academic institutions, I had a notable tenure at AAFT, Marwah Studios, where I headed the Academic & Research division in the School of Hospitality & Tourism. My time there was marked by innovative teaching methods and a deep connection with students, fostering a nurturing and inspiring learning environment.


Currently, I serve as the Dean Students’ Welfare at AAFT, where I continue to guide and support the next generation of leaders. My recent endeavors in professional development include earning a Diploma in Psychology and six certificates in leadership, counseling, and the prevention of sexual harassment, among other areas.


My journey is driven by a commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and a vision of a more compassionate and equitable world. I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact through my work, mentoring, and community involvement, always striving to embody the qualities of a true leader.



What are your primary roles and responsibilities as the Dean of the Department of Students’ Welfare?


As the Dean of the Department of Students’ Welfare, my primary roles and responsibilities revolve around ensuring the holistic well-being and professional development of our students.


I manage a range of student support services, ensuring that students have access to the resources they need. I lead efforts in crisis management, providing immediate and effective support to students facing any challenges. I oversee initiatives that connect students with faculty and alumni, fostering a supportive academic and professional network. I implement programs aimed at promoting physical and mental health. I work to create an inclusive campus culture that respects and celebrates diversity, ensuring all students feel valued and supported. I mediate conflicts and address grievances, ensuring a fair and respectful resolution process. I organize and support events that build a sense of community and belonging among students, such as cultural festivals, sports activities, and social gatherings. I encourage active student participation in campus life by supporting leadership opportunities and extracurricular activities.


I regularly gather feedback from students to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that enhance their campus experience. I serve as a voice for student concerns, advocating for their needs and interests at institutional meetings and in policy-making processes. I contribute to the development and implementation of policies that positively impact student life and well-being. In all these responsibilities, my ultimate goal is to ensure that every student has a fulfilling, safe, and enriching experience during their time at our institution.



What innovative teaching methods do you employ to ensure learning is engaging and effective for your students?


In alignment with the principles of the National Education Policy (NEP), I employ several innovative teaching methods to ensure that learning is both engaging and effective for my students. These methods are designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and practical skills, preparing students for the dynamic challenges of the future.


I integrate digital tools with traditional classroom teaching to create a blended learning environment. This approach provides flexibility and caters to different learning styles, allowing students to access materials and engage in discussions.


I encourage students to work on projects that address real-world problems. This hands-on approach not only makes learning more relevant but also develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Projects often involve interdisciplinary collaboration, reflecting the NEP’s emphasis on holistic and integrated learning.


In a flipped classroom model, students review lecture materials and readings before class. Classroom time is then dedicated to interactive activities, discussions, and problem-solving exercises. This method ensures that students come prepared and can engage deeply with the content during class.


I promote collaborative learning through group projects, peer reviews, and team-based problem-solving tasks. This method fosters communication, teamwork, and leadership skills and focuses on social and emotional learning.


Recognizing that each student has unique strengths and needs, I offer personalized support and mentorship. This approach ensures that all students can thrive, regardless of their starting point.


I foster an environment where questioning and inquiry are encouraged. Students are prompted to ask questions, investigate, and explore topics in depth, developing their critical thinking and analytical skills.


I incorporate training in soft skills such as communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence. These skills are essential for personal and professional success.


By employing these innovative teaching methods, I aim to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. These strategies ensure that education is not only informative but also transformative, empowering students to become lifelong learners and effective contributors to society.



Could you tell us about your publications, patents, certifications, and the awards you have received throughout your career?


Throughout my career, I have made significant contributions to the industry and academia, which are reflected in my publications, patents, certifications, and awards. Here’s a comprehensive overview:




I have authored 19 papers published in esteemed national and international journals, conferences etc. These publications cover a range of topics in food technology, including advancements in food safety, innovations in food processing, and applications of nanotechnology in food systems. My research has contributed to the academic community’s understanding of critical issues and has provided insights that are valuable to both researchers and industry practitioners.




I hold one patent that demonstrates my commitment to innovation and practical applications of research. This patent represents a novel solution or technology developed during my research, highlighting my role in advancing the field and addressing real-world challenges.




I have earned certifications from several prestigious institutions, reflecting my dedication to continuous learning and professional development:


  • BHU (Banaras Hindu University)
  • IIT Kharagpur (Indian Institute of Technology)
  • IIM Lucknow (Indian Institute of Management)
  • AFSTI (Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, India)
  • CIAE (Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering)
  • IHM (Institute of Hotel Management)
  • AOAC International (Association of Official Analytical Chemists)
  • FOSTAC (Food safety Training and Certification)


These certifications cover a wide range of areas, including food safety, quality management, and advanced food technologies, and they underscore my expertise and commitment to staying at the forefront of my field.




My work has been recognized with several prestigious awards, including:

  •  National Award from ICAR-CIAE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research- Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering)
  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Award
  • AOAC India Section
  • Dr. Sarojini Naidu International Award for Working Women 

These accolades and recognitions reflect my commitment to excellence in research, my dedication to advancing the field of food technology, and my ongoing contributions to both the academic and professional communities.



What advice would you offer to students who are preparing for their careers in hospitality, tourism, culinary arts, interior design, fashion design, digital marketing, health and wellness, and related fields?


For students preparing for careers in fields such as hospitality, tourism, culinary arts, interior design, fashion design, digital marketing, health and wellness, and related areas, here’s some advice to help guide your journey:


Hospitality and Tourism


  • Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships and part-time jobs in hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies to gain hands-on experience. Real-world exposure will enhance your skills and help you understand industry dynamics.
  • Develop Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in hospitality and tourism. Work on your interpersonal skills and learn to handle diverse customer needs with empathy and professionalism.
  • Stay Updated on Trends: The industry is constantly evolving. Keep abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and customer preferences to stay relevant and innovative.


Culinary Arts


  • Master the Basics: Build a strong foundation in cooking techniques, food safety, and ingredient knowledge. Mastery of basic skills will serve as a platform for more advanced culinary creations.
  • Be Creative and Experimental: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new flavors and techniques. Creativity is key in the culinary arts, and being innovative can set you apart.
  • Network with Industry Professionals: Attend culinary events, workshops, and conferences to connect with experienced chefs and industry leaders. Networking can open doors to opportunities and mentorship.


Interior Design


  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Develop a diverse portfolio showcasing your design projects, including residential, commercial, and conceptual work. A well-curated portfolio is essential for attracting potential clients or employers.
  • Stay Informed on Design Trends: Follow current trends in interior design, materials, and technologies. Being aware of what’s trending will help you create modern and appealing designs.
  • Develop Strong Technical Skills: Master design software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Adobe Creative Suite. Proficiency in these tools is essential for creating detailed and professional design plans.


Fashion Design


  • Understand the Industry: Learn about fashion history, trends, and market dynamics. Understanding the industry’s evolution will help you make informed design choices and anticipate future trends.
  • Cultivate Your Personal Style: Develop your unique design aesthetic and voice. Personal style can differentiate you in the competitive fashion industry.
  • Network and Build Connections: Engage with fashion professionals, attend shows, and participate in industry events. Building a strong network can lead to collaboration opportunities and career growth.


Digital Marketing


  • Master Digital Tools: Gain proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms such as Google Analytics, social media management, SEO, and email marketing. These skills are crucial for executing effective campaigns.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: The digital marketing landscape evolves rapidly. Stay informed about new tools, techniques, and industry trends to remain competitive.
  • Build a Strong Online Presence: Develop and showcase your digital marketing skills through personal projects, blogs, or social media channels. A strong online presence can demonstrate your expertise and attract potential employers or clients.


Health and Wellness


  • Focus on Holistic Knowledge: Gain a broad understanding of various aspects of health and wellness, including nutrition, fitness, mental health, and preventive care. A well-rounded knowledge base will enhance your ability to offer comprehensive wellness solutions.
  • Pursue Relevant Certifications: Obtain certifications in areas such as fitness training, nutrition, or counseling. Credentials can enhance your credibility and open up professional opportunities.
  • Cultivate Empathy and Communication Skills: Effective client interactions require empathy, active listening, and strong communication skills. Develop these abilities to better understand and support your clients’ needs.


 General Advice for All Fields


  • Pursue Lifelong Learning: Continue learning and growing in your field through courses, workshops, and industry publications. Lifelong learning will keep you at the forefront of your profession.
  • Seek Mentorship: Find mentors who can provide guidance, support, and industry insights. Mentorship can be invaluable in navigating your career path and making informed decisions.
  • Embrace Challenges: Be open to taking on new challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone. Overcoming obstacles will build your resilience and adaptability.
  • Build a Strong Network: Cultivate professional relationships and network with peers, industry leaders, and potential employers. Networking can provide valuable opportunities and support throughout your career.


By following this advice, you can build a strong foundation for a successful career in your chosen field and make meaningful contributions to your industry.


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